


A PHP Application like Khata Book which keeps records of yours debotors.

Instalation Step:

   Step 1 : Download Project or clone this project
   Step 2 : Move project to your Xamm/wampp/Lampp project directory
   Step 3 : Rename project name from DebtorBook-master to DebtorBook
   Step 4 : Got to dbStructure directory of this project and import project db into your Mysql Database using PhpMyAdmin, mysqlWorkBench or any other way as you like
   Step 5 : Open your project in browser using your localserver for e.g. http://localhost/DebtorBook
   Step 6 : Click on New User? 'Sign up' button
   Step 7 : if you like the project so don't forgot to hit the start button and share this project as you can 
   Happy Coding!