
Deploy your Laravel applications via Github or Bitbucket Hooks

MIT License



Automatically deploy Laravel applications every time it's pushed to the remote repository

Deployment via git webhooks is a common functionallity of most PaaS these days. This package is intended to be used for those that are hosting their websites in VPS, dedicated server or any other hosting provider that doesn't support web hooks.

Since this package uses Laravel remote (SSH-2) functionality to remote or locally deploy applications, your deployment app can be in one server and deploy applications to others, as many as you need.


This package currently works with

  • Github
  • Bitbucket

Using it with Laravel Envoy

Define an url for your deployer to be used, in Github you can find this at Settings > Service Hooks > WebHook URLs > URL, example:

Create a route in your application for the deployer url:

Route::post('deploy', function() 
    return Deeployer::run();

If you are using Laravel Envoy, install it and create tasks using your project url and the branch as the task name:

@task('', ['on' => ['localhost']])
    touch /tmp/envoy-passthrough.txt

And that's it, you're good to go! Configure your webook, push something and wait for it.

Normal Usage

If you prefer to use Deeployer own deployment system, edit the file app/config/packages/pragmarx/deeployer/config.php and create your projects. In my opinion, is better to not use the master branch while automatically deploying apps:

'projects' => array(
                                'ssh_connection' => 'yoursite-staging',

                                'git_repository' => '',

                                'git_remote' => 'origin',

                                'git_branch' => 'staging',

                                'remote_directory' => '/var/www/vhosts/',

                                'composer_update' => true,

                                'composer_optimize_autoload' => true,

                                'composer_extra_options' => '',

                                'composer_timeout' => 60 * 5, // 5 minutes

                                'artisan_migrate' => false,

                                'post_deploy_commands' => array(

Create the remote connection by editing app/config/remote.php:

	'connections' => array(

		'yoursite-staging' => array(
			'host'     => '', <-- you can set a different SSH port if you need 
			'username' => 'root',            <-- the user you use to deploy applications on your server
			'password' => 'Bassw0rt',
			'key'      => '',                <-- key files are safer than passwords
			'root'     => '/var/www',        <-- you can ignore this, deployment path will be changed by Deeployer


Go to your server and tail the log file:

php artisan tail

Add that url to Github or Bitbucket.

Push something to your branch to automatically deploy your application:

git pull origin master:testing
git pull origin master:staging
git pull origin master:production

If you are just testing, in Github you can press 'Test Hook' button, after saving your URL.



  • Laravel 4.1+
  • Composer >= 2014-01-07 - This is a PSR-4 package
  • SSH-2 Server


First, you need to be sure you have a Composer that supports PSR-4, so execute

composer self-update


sudo composer self-update

Require the Deeployer package:

composer require pragmarx/deeployer dev-master

Once this operation completes, add the service provider to your app/config/app.php:


Publish and edit the configuration file:

artisan config:publish pragmarx/deeployer


  • Create a deployment artisan command, to manually deploy something troubled.

  • Tests, tests, tests.

  • Bitbucket is not done yet. (DONE!)


Antonio Carlos Ribeiro - [email protected] -


Deeployer is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Pull requests and issues are more than welcome.

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