
Requests manager for Plex

GPL-3.0 License


dropinambour - Requests manager for Plex

dropinambour is a software that one can use to manage requests, from Plex users, to add new content (TV shows & movies) onto a Plex server.

It connects to your Plex server (using your Plex account), and manages its own database of requests, and will dispatch them to either Sonarr (v4) or Radarr (v3). It will send email notifications to the requester, once the media has been downloaded by either Sonarr or Radarr, and is made available on the Plex server.

There is currently no users management; all users allowed to access your Plex server are also allowed to connect to dropinambour and make requests. There is also no approval process; when a user requests a movie or TV show, it is immediately sent to Radarr or Sonarr for processing.

Current status


If anyone is interested in developing this further, and use it on their own Plex server, I'd be happy to answer any questons (use the Discussion tab), and merge Pull Requests.


  • Plex (obviously)
  • Sonarr (v4) and/or Radarr (v3)
  • A MySQL-compatible server (eg. MariaDB)
  • PHP 8.0+ & composer, or Docker


If you want to use Docker to run dropinambour, skip steps 1 to 3 below, and instead run a container using this command:

sudo docker run --rm --name dropinambour -v /path/to/config:/config -e TZ=America/Toronto -e MSMTP_RELAY_SERVER_HOSTNAME= -e MSMTP_RELAY_SERVER_PORT=25 -p 3578:8080 -t gboudreau/dropinambour

/path/to/config should be the path to an empty folder where config.php will be placed. You will probably want to put the log file in there too; see LOG_FILE in config.php

  1. Put all the files in any web-accessible (and PHP-enabled) folder. Alternatively, you can use PHP to run a server (that listens on port 3578, in this example):

    php -S ./index.php
  2. Run composer install to install the required dependencies. It might complain about missing PHP extensions; install them using you preferred method (apt/yum).

  3. Copy _config/config.example.php to _config/config.php

  4. Edit config.php content as needed.

  5. Create an empty MySQL database, and user:

    mysql -u root -p
    > GRANT ALL on dinb.* TO dinb_user@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'complicated-password';
  6. Import the empty DB schema from _db/schema.sql :

    mysql -u root -p dinb < _db/schema.sql
  7. Create a con job on your server to load the following URL every 5 minutes (or as often as you want): http://localhost:3578/?action=cron


If you'd like to develop new features, or fix bugs, you only need some PHP and/or CSS/JS know-how.

I use my own (simple) framework for the controller & DB layers, PHP Plates for views, and Bootstrap (5) + jQuery for the web front-end.

Just start a new Discussion on Github, and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction to start.