
IT22-FA3 EDMS, built with Laravel

MIT License


E-Dental Author | Shields.io MIT license

A quickie for a project on IT22-FA3, built with Laravel.

As of Mar 15, 2015, this project has been rewritten from scratch.



  1. PHP >=5.4
  2. MySQL ~5.5
  3. Composer
  4. Bower (which requires npm and nodejs)


[1] Clone the repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/srph/e-dental.git

# switch the current direct to the cloned repository
$ cd e-dental

[2] Update dependencies

# Install PHP dependencies
$ composer install

# Install Bower (static assets) dependencies
$ bower install

[3] Installing the database

Create a database on MySQL first.

mysql -u root -p

And then, register your machine to the list of detected environment at bootstrap/start.php:

| Detect The Application Environment
| Laravel takes a dead simple approach to your application environments
| so you can just specify a machine name for the host that matches a
| given environment, then we will automatically detect it for you.
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
	// Other environment..
	'your-environment-name' => array('your-machine-name'),

* Replace your-environment-name with any unique name (this will be used to identify which environment (or configurations) to use), and your-machine-name of course the computer name.

Proceed to the configurations located at app/config/ to create your own folder (the same as your environment name). And then create database.php on the same folder (now, you have app/config/myMachine/database.php).

Paste this in:

return array(
	'default' => 'mysql',
	'connections' => array(
		'mysql' => array(
			'driver'    => 'mysql',
			'host'      => 'localhost',
			'database'  => 'edms', // YOUR PREFERRED DB NAME
			'username'  => 'forge', // YOUR MYSQL USERNAME
			'password'  => 'forge', // YOUR MYSQL PASS
			/** reduced for bevity */

Run the migrations.

# on your root folder
$ php artisan migrate # run the table migration
$ php artisan db:seed # seed data


  • Bad UX overall.
  • Bad practices all over the place.

Do not read this shit for Best Practices™ . Thanks.


e-dental © 2014+, Kier Borromeo (srph). Released under the MIT License.

srph.github.io  ·  GitHub @srph  ·  Twitter @_srph

Extracted from project README
Author | Shields.io MIT license Preview