
The zero-UI Web notepad

MIT License



A quick small wiki, perfect for pasting quick texts or code and sharing it between friends.

Don’t worry about saving, it saves at every key stroke. Think of it as a magic zero-UI Web notepad.

Try it out at https://edit.sunfox.org/any-page-name.


  • /any-page-name: type what you want, it’s saved automagically!
  • /any-page-name.txt: raw text version.
  • /any-page-name.html: HTML version through the
    Markdown syntax.
  • /any-page-name.remark: Slideshow version using
  • /any-page-name.graphviz: Graph version of the dot syntax using
    Viz, see
    WebGraphViz for examples.

Keyboard shortcut cltr-e switches from edit mode to HTML mode.


The favicon changes as the page updates and is also an indicator that the page is currently saving or not.


Edith is also a RESTful API. So go ahead and try to PUT or DELETE on these URLs.

Install it yourself

Clone it locally:

$ git clone https://github.com/sunny/edith.git
$ cd edith

Using Docker

Build the image:

$ docker build . -t edith

Run it:

$ docker run --rm -p 8888:80 edith

Now you can access Edith from http://localhost:8888/

Using a local web server

Make the data directory writable:

$ chmod a+w data

Run it with a web server that interprents PHP and points all 404s to index.php:

  • PHP’s built-in server for development:

    $ php -S localhost:8888 index.php
  • Apache:

    You can use the example htaccess.

    $ cp htaccess.example .htaccess
  • nginx:

    Add the following directive to your nginx configuration:

    try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrites;
    location @rewrites {
      rewrite ^ /index.php last;

Further use


Copy config.example.php to config.php and read the examples to use your own configuration file.

Read-only pages

To make pages read-only, make them non-writable on disk:

$ chmod -w data/foo.txt

They will then be shown using the HTML representation through Markdown instead.

To deactivate the creation of new pages, make the data directory itself non-writable.


You may use any file name you like as long as it doesn’t end like a representation (.txt or .html).

If you prefer /page.js/txt URLs instead of /page.js.txt, the config file has a setting for you.


You are welcome to contribute by adding issues and forking the code on GitHub.


Edith is released under the MIT License.