
🔠 PHP enum implementation

MIT License


PHP Enum

Big thanks happy-types/enumerable-type for the original idea. Take a look if it suits your needs better.

This package adds meta field, provides a few more methods like options, keys, json, etc. and there are simple php array, illuminate/collection, arrayy and doctrine collection implementations to choose from.


  • Enums in general allow to avoid magic values
  • By type hinting forces only allowed values to be passed to methods (or returned)
  • Easy way to list all possible values
  • More feature rich and flexible then other enum implementations
  • Works with strict (===) operator
  • IDE friendly, so auto complete, usage analysis and refactorings all work

Defining enums

Create enums by extending one of:

  • EKvedaras\PHPEnum\PHPArray\Enum
  • EKvedaras\PHPEnum\Illuminate\Collection\Enum
  • EKvedaras\PHPEnum\Arrayy\Enum
  • EKvedaras\PHPEnum\Doctrine\Enum
use EKvedaras\PHPEnum\PHPArray\Enum;

class PaymentStatus extends Enum 
     * @return static
    final public static function pending(): self
        return static::get('pending', 'Payment is pending');

     * @return static
    final public static function completed(): self
        return static::get('completed', 'Payment has been processed');
     * @return static
    final public static function failed(): self
        return static::get('failed', 'Payment has failed');

Integers can be used as IDs instead of string values if you prefer.


Retrieving and comparing enum values

// Retrieving value statically
$status1 = PaymentStatus::completed();

// Retrieving value dynamically from ID
$status2 = PaymentStatus::from('completed');

// Strict comparison is supported
var_dump($status1 === $status2); // true

Accessing value properties

$status = PaymentStatus::copmleted();

$status->id();   // 'completed'
$status->name(); // 'Payment has been processed'
$status->meta(); // null

Listing enum values

There are two implementations provided:

PHP array

To use PHP array your enums should extend EKvedaras\PHPEnum\PHPArray\Enum class

array(3) {
  'pending' =>
  class PaymentStatus#12 (3) {
    protected $id =>
    string(7) "pending"
    protected $name =>
    string(18) "Payment is pending"
    protected $meta =>
  'completed' =>
  class PaymentStatus#363 (3) {
    protected $id =>
    string(9) "completed"
    protected $name =>
    string(26) "Payment has been processed"
    protected $meta =>
  'failed' =>
  class PaymentStatus#13 (3) {
    protected $id =>
    string(6) "failed"
    protected $name =>
    string(18) "Payment has failed"
    protected $meta =>
array(3) {
  'pending' =>
  string(18) "Payment is pending"
  'completed' =>
  string(26) "Payment has been processed"
  'failed' =>
  string(18) "Payment has failed"
array(3) {
  [0] =>
  string(7) "pending"
  [1] =>
  string(9) "completed"
  [2] =>
  string(6) "failed"
var_dump(PaymentStatus::json()); // Will include meta if defined
    "pending": {
        "id": "pending",
        "name": "Payment is pending"
    "completed": {
        "id": "completed",
        "name": "Payment has been processed"
    "failed": {
        "id": "failed",
        "name": "Payment has failed"
    "pending": "Payment is pending",
    "completed": "Payment has been processed",
    "failed": "Payment has failed"

Illuminate Collection

Either illuminate/support or illuminate/collections package is required which is not installed by default.

To use Illuminate Collection your enums should extend EKvedaras\PHPEnum\Illuminate\Collection\Enum class.

The only difference is enum, options and keys methods will return Collection instances instead of arrays. The rest works exactly the same.

class Illuminate\Support\Collection#362 (1) {
  protected $items =>
  array(3) {
    'pending' =>
    class PaymentStatus#12 (3) {
      protected $id =>
      string(7) "pending"
      protected $name =>
      string(18) "Payment is pending"
      protected $meta =>
    'completed' =>
    class PaymentStatus#363 (3) {
      protected $id =>
      string(9) "completed"
      protected $name =>
      string(26) "Payment has been processed"
      protected $meta =>
    'failed' =>
    class PaymentStatus#13 (3) {
      protected $id =>
      string(6) "failed"
      protected $name =>
      string(18) "Payment has failed"
      protected $meta =>
class Illuminate\Support\Collection#368 (1) {
  protected $items =>
  array(3) {
    'pending' =>
    string(18) "Payment is pending"
    'completed' =>
    string(26) "Payment has been processed"
    'failed' =>
    string(18) "Payment has failed"
class Illuminate\Support\Collection#13 (1) {
  protected $items =>
  array(3) {
    [0] =>
    string(7) "pending"
    [1] =>
    string(9) "completed"
    [2] =>
    string(6) "failed"


Meta field is intentionally left as mixed type as it could be used for various reasons. For example linking enum options with a specific implementation:

use EKvedaras\PHPEnum\PHPArray\Enum;

class PaymentMethod extends Enum
    final public static function payPal(): self
        return static::get('paypal', 'PayPal', PayPalHandler::class);
    final public static function stripe(): self
        return static::get('stripe', 'Stripe', StripeHandler::class);

Resolving payment handler in Laravel:

$method = PaymentMethod::from($request['method_id']);

$handler = app($method->meta());

Meta could also be used as a more in detail description of each option that could be displayed to users or some other object linking other classes, resources together.

Furthermore, in some cases it is useful to resolve enum option from meta. That is also possible:

$method = PaymentMethod::fromMeta(StripeHandler::class);

Things to know

final public static function

Only methods marked as final public static will be considered as possible values of enum. Other methods are still there, but they will not be returned in enum / keys / options, etc. results and won't be considered as valid values. However, this allows to extend enums and make them more useful. For example:

use EKvedaras\PHPEnum\Illuminate\Collection\Enum;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class PaymentMethods extends Enum
     * @return static
    final public static function payPal(): self
        return static::get('paypal', 'PayPal');
     * @return static
    final public static function stripe(): self
        return static::get('stripe', 'Stripe');
     * @return static
    final public static function mollie(): self
        return static::get('mollie', 'Mollie');
     * Returns only enabled payment methods. Useful for validation or rendering payments UI
     * @return Collection|static[]
    public static function enabled(): Collection
        return static::enum()->only(config('payments.enabled'));

from($id) only allows valid IDs

Well, this is expected. Calling PaymentMethod::from('ideal') will throw OutOfBoundsException.

No serialization

Enum object instances cannot be serialized. Deserialized objects would get a different address in memory therefore, === would no longer work. Calling serialize(PaymentMethod::stripe()) will throw a RuntimeException.

As a workaround it is better to store the ID instead of object itself. You still get the bonus of setters only accepting valid values.

class Payment 
    /** @var string */
    private $method;

    public function setMethod(PaymentMethod $method)
        $this->method = $method->id();
    public function getMethod(): PaymentMethod
        return PaymentMethod::from($this->method);

Don't mix implementations

Enum instances cache is stored in a static variable. Choose one implementation for your project and stick to it, otherwise you may unexpectedly get errors because types don't match.

You may create your own project enum class and extend your chosen implementation, so if it ever needs to be changed it can be done in one place only (if storage APIs match).

Related packages


See changes in changelog files: