


Institucional Drupal

Este é o projeto é a aplicação back-end do portal Institucional Equatorial com a finalidade de realizar a gestão de conteúdo e fornecer APIs para o front-end em React.


Fluxo da Aplicação

  • Cada estado terá seu par te aplicações, uma front-ende outra back-end, ambas dentro do Open Shift;
  • CadaDrupalterá seu banco de dados que não estará dentro da máquina Open Shift;
  • O Drupal terá duas rotas, uma para o front-end consumir os dados via API e outra para o painel administrativo do CMS;
  • Atualmente teremos 14 aplicações, 7 para back-end, uma por estado e outras 7 de front-end, uma para cada estado.

Drupal Installation Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps to install and set up a Drupal project using DDEV.


  • Git
  • PHP 8.0+
  • Drupal10
  • DDEV (installation instructions below)
  • Composer


1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the repository from IBM Cloud:

git clone https://us-south.git.cloud.ibm.com/equatorial-one/institucional-drupal
cd institucional-drupal

2. Switch to the Develop Branch

git checkout develop

3. Install DDEV

Follow the instructions to install DDEV on your device: DDEV Installation Guide

4. Configure DDEV

At the root of the cloned repository, run the following command to configure DDEV:

ddev config

Follow the instructions:

  • Preferably choose to install on the root.
  • Select drupal10 as the default config.
  • Set a name for the project.

This will create a folder called .ddev.

5. Update DDEV Configuration

Locate the file .ddev/config.yaml and scroll down to lines 43 and 44 (or around there). Look for router_http_port and router_https_port. Uncomment the lines and change the ports to avoid conflicts:

router_http_port: 5353  # Port to be used for http (defaults to global configuration, usually 80)
router_https_port: 444  # Port for https (defaults to global configuration, usually 443)

6. Install Dependencies

At the root of the project, run:

composer install

7. Start the DDEV Project

Start the project with:

ddev start

This will start a blank Drupal project. Access the given URL and proceed with the installation of the blank Drupal project.

8. Enable the Backup and Migrate Module

Once your Drupal instance is installed and running, enable the backup_migrate module:

ddev drush en backup_migrate

9. Access the Admin Screen

To access the admin screen, either go to /user/ URL or run the following command to generate a login URL:

ddev drush uli

10. Restore Backup


Go to the Backup and Migrate restore menu at /admin/config/development/backup_migrate/restore and upload the current backup.

11. Unzip the Files Folder


Unzip the files folder in /sites/default/ and check if it has unzipped correctly.

By following these steps, you should have a Drupal project set up and running with the necessary configurations. If you encounter any issues, refer to the DDEV and Drupal documentation for further assistance.