
A simple showcasing app for Grafana Faro

APACHE-2.0 License


Faro Shop

A simple e-commerce website built with PHP, PostgreSQL. Monitored by Grafana Application Observability.

Running it

In K8s (kind)

  1. Follow the instructions to set up Kubernetes monitoring and save the values
    in k8s/kubernetes-monitoring.values.yaml
  2. Get the values for the Frontend Observability endpoint and customize the OTLP
    endpoints in case you're not using the default values.
export FARO_URL=https://my-collector.endpoint
export OTLP_ENDPOINT_HTTP=http://grafana-k8s-monitoring-grafana-agent.faro-shop.svc.cluster.local:4318
export OTLP_ENDPOINT_GRPC=http://grafana-k8s-monitoring-grafana-agent.faro-shop.svc.cluster.local:4317
  1. Run the following commands:
# Create a kind cluster
kind create cluster --name faro-shop

# Deploy Kubernetes Monitoring
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts &&
  helm repo update &&
  helm upgrade --install --atomic --timeout 300s grafana-k8s-monitoring grafana/k8s-monitoring \
    --namespace "faro-shop" \
    --create-namespace \
    --values k8s/kubernetes-monitoring.values.yaml

# Deploy the application
helm repo add faro-shop https://cedricziel.github.io/faro-shop &&
  helm repo update &&
  helm upgrade --install --atomic --timeout 300s faro-shop faro-shop/faro-shop \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace faro-shop \
    --set app.env.FARO_URL=$FARO_URL


SourceMap upload can be configured by setting some environment variables at build time. Please take a look at the webpack.config.js file for the configuration.

Without uploaded source-maps, the error messages look like this:

With uploaded source-maps, the error messages look like this:



  • Docker
  • PHP 8.3 (brew install php)
    • Composer (brew install composer)
    • ext-opentelemetey (pecl install opentelemetry)
  • node.js (brew install node OR nvm use)

Running the application

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/cedricziel/faro-shop.git

# set the variables
cp env.template .env

# Set the variables in the `.env` file

# Install dependencies
composer install

# Run the application
symfony serve


Slow requests for certain countries

Root Cause: Kernel listener will sleep for a second if the request comes from a specific country.

Ads wont load for certain products

Root Cause: AdController will fail to serve ads for 'Phare du Petit Minou'.

Ads wont load for the homepage

Root Cause: AdRepository injects random failure at the top of the hour and 30 minutes past


Apache 2.0

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