
Theme boilerplate based on _s, with lots of additional features.

GPL-2.0 License


Super Awesome Theme (Boilerplate)

This is my personal theme boilerplate, initially based on _s, partly inspired by Twenty Seventeen, with lots of additional features.


The following is a non-comprehensive list of features in addition to everything that _s supports:

  • Gutenberg supported
  • Full Customizer support, mostly with JavaScript-powered live previews
  • Very lightweight: No jQuery anywhere, only 1 CSS and 1 JavaScript asset to load in a regular request
  • SVG icon set loaded in the footer, with an easy-to-use utility function to print icons in an accessible way
  • Dynamic detection of post type support for different features and taxonomies
  • Granular color control via the Customizer
  • Customizer panel for content type options: For each post type, it can be individually decided whether information like date, author, taxonomies etc. should be displayed or not
  • Support for either a full-width or wrapped layout (by calling add_filter( 'super_awesome_theme_use_wrapped_layout', '__return_true' ))
  • Customizer section for sidebar settings, with three sidebar modes:
    • No Sidebar
    • Left Sidebar
    • Right Sidebar
  • "Distraction Free Mode": Particularly useful for very focused pages (like a login page or a checkout page), the view is rendered with fewer distractions:
    • No sidebar
    • No footer widgets
    • Alternative site navigation menu
  • Templates:
    • Full Width (no sidebar, regardless of global setting)
    • Distraction Free (as described above)
    • Account (page that is restricted to logged-in users)
    • Login (shows a login form)
  • Menus:
    • Primary Menu
    • Primary Menu (Distraction-Free)
    • Social Links Menu
    • Footer Menu
  • Sidebars:
    • Primary Sidebar
    • Blog Sidebar (can be enabled/disabled)
    • 4 Footer Widget Areas
  • AJAX-powered comment submissions
  • Accessible primary navigation with keyboard
  • Maximum page width limited, and maximum content width limited further on pages with no sidebar, in order to keep line lengths readable
  • Granular and organized template part files for easy tweaking / overriding in a child theme
  • Solid attachment template support, including display of metadata
  • Flexible whether template parts should be loaded per post type and/or post format
  • Dedicated template part for comments
  • Graceful fallback if minimum required WordPress version is not being used
  • Easy-to-use Gulp workflow for linting and compiling assets
  • ES6 JavaScript
  • Reusable CSS classes for typical elements
  • Editor style mimicking the frontend layout
  • Styling of special multisite pages wp-signup.php and wp-activate.php
  • Compliant with code and documentation standards
  • Plugin support for the following:

This is a work in progress. A few of the above items may be incomplete still.


Minimum WordPress version: 4.7

Getting Started

To create your own theme, download this repository. For the next steps, let's assume your theme should be called Taco World.

  1. Rename the directory to taco-world.
  2. Open gulpfile.js and scroll to the bottom.
  3. Replace every value in the replacements object with your new theme name or theme author data in the appropriate format. For example, replace my-new-theme-name with taco-world, MY_NEW_THEME_NAME with TACO_WORLD and so on. Replace the author name, email and website with your respective data.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Run npm install in the console.
  6. Run gulp init-replace in the console.
  7. Open gulpfile.js again and remove the entire bottom section that starts with INITIAL SETUP TASK, save the file afterwards.
  8. Check the package.json file. You might wanna update some details to your preferences.
  9. Check the top of gulpfile.js, containing the tags and config objects. You might wanna update some details to your preferences.
  10. Run gulp build once to compile everything.

Now you're good to go! One more thing: If you want to publish the theme on, it's recommended to remove the /languages directory, plus set the config.domainPath to false and remove the pot task in gulpfile.js.

Common Gulp Tasks

  • gulp sass: Lints and compiles CSS/Sass
  • gulp js: Lints and compiles JavaScript
  • gulp img: Compresses images
  • gulp pot: Refreshes POT file
  • gulp readme: Replaces the header and description in the readme with latest data
  • gulp build: Runs all of the above tasks
  • gulp watch: Watches file changes and automatically executes the above tasks and reloads the browser window (you have to call it like PROXY=mysite.test gulp watch, passing the URL of your test site)

TODO: codeclimate.yml, PHPCS, PHPMD