
PHP library to create and validate html forms

MIT License



Note: this is the documentation of FormManager 6.x

For v5.x version Click here


This package requires PHP>=7.1 and is available on Packagist:

composer require form-manager/form-manager

Create a field

FormManager is namespaced, but you only need to import a single class into your context:

use FormManager\Factory as F;

Use the imported factory to create all form elements:

//Create an input type="text" element
$name = F::text();

//Create the input with a label
$name = F::text('Please, introduce your name');

//Or with extra attributes
$name = F::text('Please, introduce your name', ['class' => 'name-field']);

//Add or remove attributes
$name->setAttribute('title', 'This is the name input');
    'tabindex' => 2,
    'maxlength' => 50

//Set the value

//Use magic properties to get/set/remove attributes
$name->class = 'name-field';
$name->required = false;

List of all available inputs:

All HTML5 field types are supported:

  • F::checkbox($label, $attributes)
  • F::color($label, $attributes)
  • F::date($label, $attributes)
  • F::datetimeLocal($label, $attributes)
  • F::email($label, $attributes)
  • F::file($label, $attributes)
  • F::hidden($value, $attributes)
  • F::month($label, $attributes)
  • F::number($label, $attributes)
  • F::password($label, $attributes)
  • F::radio($label, $attributes)
  • F::range($label, $attributes)
  • F::search($label, $attributes)
  • F::select($label, $options, $attributes)
  • F::submit($label, $attributes)
  • F::tel($label, $attributes)
  • F::text($label, $attributes)
  • F::textarea($label, $attributes)
  • F::time($label, $attributes)
  • F::url($label, $attributes)
  • F::week($label, $attributes)

Note that all inputs accepts the same arguments except hidden and select.


This library uses internally symfony/validation to perform basic html5 validations and error reporting. HTML5 validation attributes like required, maxlength, minlength, pattern, etc are supported, in addition to intrinsic validations assigned to each input like email, url, date, etc.

$email = F::email();


//Validate the value
if ($email->isValid()) {
    return true;

//Get errors
$error = $email->getError();

//Print the first error message
echo $error;

//Iterate through all messages
foreach ($error as $err) {
    echo $err->getMessage();

//You can also customize/translate the error messages
    'email' => 'The email is not valid',
    'required' => 'The email is required',
    'maxlength' => 'The email is too long, it must have {{ limit }} characters or less',

//And add more symfony validators
$ip = F::text();
$ip->addConstraint(new Constraints\Ip());

See all constraints supported by symfony

Render html

$name = F::text('What is your name?', ['name' => 'name']);

echo $name;
<label for="id-input-1">What is your name?</label> <input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name">

Set a custom template using {{ label }} and {{ input }} placeholders:

$name->setTemplate('{{ label }} <div class="input-content">{{ input }}</div>');
echo $name;
<label for="id-input-1">What is your name?</label> <div class="input-content"><input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name"></div>

If you want to wrap the previous template in a custom html, use the {{ template }} placeholder:

$name->setTemplate('<fieldset>{{ template }}</fieldset>');
echo $name;
<fieldset><label for="id-input-1">What is your name?</label> <div class="input-content"><input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name"></div></fieldset>

Grouping fields

Group the fields to follow a specific data structure:


Groups allow to place a set of inputs under an specific name:

$group = F::group([
    'name' => F::text('Username'),
    'email' => F::email('Email'),
    'password' => F::password('Password'),

    'name' => 'oscar',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'supersecret',

Radio group

Special case for radios where all inputs share the same name with different values:

$radios = F::radioGroup([
    'red' => 'Red',
    'blue' => 'Blue',
    'green' => 'Green',


Submit group

Special case to group several submit buttons under the same name but different values:

$buttons = F::submitGroup([
    'save' => 'Save the row',
    'duplicate' => 'Save as new row',


Group collection

Is a collection of values using the same group:

$groupCollection = F::groupCollection(
        'name' => F::text('Name'),
        'genre' => F::radioGroup([
            'm' => 'Male',
            'f' => 'Female',
            'o' => 'Other',

        'name' => 'Oscar',
        'genre' => 'm'
        'name' => 'Laura',
        'genre' => 'f'

Multiple group collection

Is a collection of values using various groups, using the field type to identify which group is used by each row:

$multipleGroupCollection = F::multipleGroupCollection(
    'text' => f::group([
        'type' => F::hidden(),
        'title' => F::text('Title'),
        'text' => F::textarea('Body'),
    'image' => f::group([
        'type' => F::hidden(),
        'file' => F::file('Image file'),
        'alt' => F::text('Alt text'),
        'text' => F::textarea('Caption'),
    'link' => f::group([
        'type' => F::hidden(),
        'text' => F::text('Link text'),
        'href' => F::url('Url'),
        'target' => F::select([
            '_blank' => 'New window',
            '_self' => 'The same window',

        'type' => 'text',
        'title' => 'Welcome to my page',
        'text' => 'I hope you like it',
        'type' => 'image',
        'file' => 'avatar.jpg',
        'alt' => 'Image of mine',
        'text' => 'This is my photo',
        'type' => 'link',
        'text' => 'Go to my webpage',
        'href' => '',
        'target' => '_self',


Datalist are also allowed, just use the createDatalist() method:

$input = F::search();

$datalist = $input->createDatalist([
    'female' => 'Female',
    'male' => 'Male'

echo $input;
echo $datalist;


We need a form to put all this things together.

$loginForm = F::form([
    'username' => F::text('User name'),
    'password' => F::password('Password'),
    '' => F::submit('Login'),

    'action' => 'login.php',
    'method' => 'post',

//Load data from globals $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES

//Load data passing the arrays
$loginForm->loadFromArrays($_GET, $_POST, $_FILES);

//Or load from PSR-7 server request

//Get loaded data
$data = $loginForm->getValue();

//Print the form
echo $loginForm;

//Access to specific inputs:
echo $loginForm->getOpeningTag();
echo '<h2>Login:</h2>';

echo $loginForm['username'];
echo '<hr>';
echo $loginForm['password'];
echo '<hr>';
echo $loginForm[''];
echo $loginForm->getClosingTag();

//Iterate with all inputs
echo $loginForm->getOpeningTag();
echo '<h2>Login:</h2>';

foreach ($loginForm as $input) {
    echo "<div>{$input}</div>";
echo $loginForm->getClosingTag();