
Fotorama picture galleries for CMSimple_XH

GPL-3.0 License



Fotorama_XH facilitates to embed Fotorama galleries on CMSimple_XH pages. The plugin does not offer any image upload facility, but instead uses images from the images folder of CMSimple_XH or from somewhere else on the World Wide Web (only JPEG is supported for now). Every gallery can have its own settings, and every image can have an additional caption.


Fotorama_XH is a plugin for CMSimple_XH ≥ 1.7.0. It requires PHP ≥ 5.3.0 with the dom, fileinfo, gd and SimpleXML extensions.


The lastest release is available for download on Github.


The installation is done as with many other CMSimple_XH plugins.

  1. Backup the data on your server.
  2. Unzip the distribution on your computer.
  3. Upload the whole directory fotorama/ to your server into
    the plugins/ directory of CMSimple_XH.
  4. Set write permissions for the subdirectories cache/, config/, css/ and


The configuration of the plugin is done as with many other CMSimple_XH plugins in the back-end of the Website. Go to PluginsFotorama.

You can change the default settings of Fotorama_XH under Config. Hints for the options will be displayed when hovering over the help icon with your mouse.

Localization is done under Language. You can translate the character strings to your own language, if there is no appropriate language file available, or customize them according to your needs.

The look of Fotorama_XH can be customized under Stylesheet.


Prepare a gallery

At first you have to upload some images into a subfolder the image folder of CMSimple_XH. You can either use the filebrowser of CMSimple_XH or your favorite FTP client. Then you have to create the gallery definition XML file in the back-end. Navigate to PluginsFotoramaGalleries and use the form to create an initial XML file with all images of the chosen folder. The name of the gallery may only contain lower case Roman characters (a-z), Arabic digits (0-9) and hyphens (-). The name of the gallery will be used as filename (.xml is appended), and the file is stored in the content folder of CMSimple_XH. Each language has its own set of gallery definition files, so you can localize the image captions.

After having successfully created the XML file, you are redirected to the gallery editor where you can fine-tune the gallery by editing the XML file. You can remove and add <pic> elements, and reorder them. For every <pic> element you can optionally specify a caption attribute whose value will be shown in the gallery; the caption will also be used as alt attribute of the HTML <img>. You can change the value of the path attribute, but you must not remove the attribute completely. Note that you should not touch the first three lines of the file (the XML and the doctype declaration).

Furthermore you can specify additional attributes (the path attribute is mandatory again) for the <gallery> element which affect the functionality and look-and-feel of the gallery. The following attributes are supported:

  • width and ratio:
    These attributes specify the width and aspect ratio of the gallery,
    The width is either a plain number giving the width in pixels (e.g. 400)
    or a percentage of the available horizontal space (e.g. 100%),
    which is especially useful for responsive layouts.
    The ratio is either a fraction (e.g. 400/300 or 16/9)
    or a decimal numer (e.g. 1.3333).
    If these attributes are omitted,
    the width and aspect ratio are determined by the first image.
    Note that the images will be resized to fit within the width/ratio,
    so that it is possible to have portrait and landscape images
    mixed in the same gallery without distortion.
  • nav:
    Only thumbs is allowed if the attribute is specified.
    This will turn the slim dot navigation into a thumbnail navigation.
    The required thumbnails are automatically generated on demand,
    and stored in the cache directory of the plugin.
  • fullscreen:
    This allows the visitor to enter fullscreen mode.
    Choose either true,
    what will restrict the fullscreen mode to the browser window,
    but also works for older browsers,
    or native what uses the full screen size
    if supported by the browser.
  • transition:
    Either slide (the default if the attribute is omitted),
    crossfade or dissolve.
    The latter is probably only useful if you have images
    that differ only slightly;
    otherwise crossfade is preferable.

When the file is saved, it is automatically validated against the DTD. That does not work if your working offline; in this case you can disable the automatic validation in the plugin configuration.

External images

It is also possible to show external images (i.e. images outside your images folder) by specifying the fully qualified absolute URL of the image as path of the <pic> element. The usual caveats apply in this case, for instance, the image might not be available, and there might be legal constraints. Note that no thumbnails are generated for external images, but rather a default thumbnail is shown which you can change by replacing plugins/fotorama/images/external.jpg with an image of your choice.

You can freely mix external images and images in the gallery folder.

Embed a gallery

To embed a gallery on a page simply write:


where %NAME% is the name of the gallery, e.g.



For the galleries to be fully functional, JavaScript has to be enabled in the browser of the visitor.


Report bugs and ask for support either on Github or in the CMSimple_XH Forum.


Fotorama_XH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Fotorama_XH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fotorama_XH. If not, see

Copyright 2015-2021 Christoph M. Becker


This plugin is powered by Fotorama. Many thanks to Artem Polikarpov, the developer of this library, for his great work, and for publishing it under MIT license.

The plugin icon is designed by Everaldo Coelho. Many thanks for publishing this icon under LGPL. The plugin also uses icons from the Oxygen icon set. Many thanks for publishing this icon set under GPL.

Many thanks to the community at the CMSimple_XH forum for tips, suggestions and testing. Special thanks to Traktorist for providing early and valuable feedback on the first beta version.

And last but not least many thanks to Peter Harteg, the “father” of CMSimple, and all developers of CMSimple_XH without whom this amazing CMS would not exist.