
Full stack (LEMP) Laravel environment for dev and production use

GPL-3.0 License



How to use this repository

Build the images (optional)

In the directory build-env-files you will find the build environment variables for:

  • php-fpm
  • alpine
  • ubuntu

and for each base image you can build the final image with: php 8, php 7.4 and php 7.3. On each php version subdir you will find two build env files one for MySQL and one for PgSQL

To build the images from scratch you can run the following command:

docker-compose --env-file build-env-files/php-fpm/8/.env-pgsql -f build-phpfpm.yml build # --pull <- Use '--pull' if you want to update the base image 

In this case the final image will be tagged with localbuild/laravel-docker:php80-pgsql, you can then push the newly builded image in your registry.

The supported build variables are:

Var Desc
LARAVEL_VERSION Laravel version to be included in the builded image
DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION PHP base image version to use
COMPOSER_VERSION Composer version to use
PDO PDO to install, pdo_mysql or pdo_pgsql
PGSQL_DEP Extra dependency fo Postgresql (optional, required for pgsql images)

Specific build variables needed only for Ubuntu:

Var Desc
PHP_VERSION Version of php to use
PHP_SHA256 SHA256 signature of the PHP package
GPG_KEYS GPG keys of the PHP package

There are a couple of "hard coded" variables inside the Dockerfile. The variables are:

  • TZ: this variable set the timezone
  • LANG, LANGUAGE, LC_ALL: these variable set the locale of the container

Also to adjust the locale you have to modify this line "sed -i -e 's/# it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8/it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen" with the locale you need.

Bring up test or prod env

There are 2 differente docker-compose.yml:

  • docker-compose.yml-dev: Test environment
  • docker-compose.yml-prod: Production environment

Other configurations files:

  • .env files contain variables used by docker-compose.yml, adjust with your personal settings.
  • config directory contains nginx configurations (only for prod environment). Adjust domain with your own domain
  • (optional): initializes a custom ssl certificate used by nginx on the very first initlialization of the prod enviroment


Laravel container accepts the following env variables:

Var Desc
LARAVEL_DB_HOST MySQL or Postgresql host
FORCE_MIGRATE Tells Laravel to run php artisan migrate --force at startup
FORCE_COMPOSER_UPDATE Tells Laravel to run composer update at startup
CONTAINER_ROLE Role of the laravel container, valid values are: queue, scheduler, app (default)
QUEUE_NAME Name of the queue, required if the container is launched with CONTAINER_ROLE=queue

MySQL variables:

Var Desc

PgSQL variables:

Var Desc
PGSQL_USER Postgresql user
PGSQL_PASSWORD Postgresql password
PGSQL_DB Postgresql password

Setup test or prod env

For testing purposes copy docer-compose.yml-dev in docker-compose.yml, fire up the enviromnent with:

docker-compose up -d

Laravel will be exposed on port 3000 (localhost)

For production enviroment copy docer-compose.yml-prod in docker-compose.yml.

Adjust domain name in config/nginx/conf.d/example.conf (rename the file with appropriate name) Fire up the enviromnent with:

docker-compose up -d

Nginx will be exposed on port 80 and 443 of your host

Queue and Scheduler containers

You can run the laravel container as:

  • app. Run laravel to expose http applications (default)
  • queue container. More details here
  • scheduler container. More details here

An example of running laravel container as queue container is:

    image: garutilorenzo/laravel:php74-pgsql
      context: laravel/
    container_name: queue_default
      - ${LARAVEL_DATA_DIR:-./laravel-project}:/var/www/html
      - CONTAINER_ROLE=queue
      - QUEUE_NAME=default     
      - pgsql
      - laravel
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "5"
    restart: always

You can launch as many queue container as you want. You have only to:

  • give an unique service name and unique container name
  • spcify the environment variables:
    • CONTAINER_ROLE=quque to start the container as queue container
    • QUEUE_NAME=<queue_name> to specify the queue name

The final command launched inside the container is for example:

php artisan queue:work database --queue=$QUEUE_NAME --verbose --tries=3

An example of running laravel container as scheduler container is:

    image: garutilorenzo/laravel:php74-pgsql
      context: laravel/
    container_name: scheduler
      - ${LARAVEL_DATA_DIR:-./laravel-project}:/var/www/html
      - CONTAINER_ROLE=scheduler
      - pgsql
      - laravel
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "5"
    restart: always

the main part here is "CONTAINER_ROLE=scheduler", with this option the container starts an infinite loop an run the above command:

while [ true ]
  php artisan schedule:run --verbose --no-interaction &
  sleep 60

Enable SSL (optional)

A configuration example is placed on config/nginx/conf.d/example.conf-ssl (rename the file with appropriate name, and delete/rename example.conf file) Remember to uncomment certbot service in docker-compose.yml-prod.

If you have to create a new SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt, modify with your domain(s) name(s) and change the email variable. Require the new certificate with:


For nginx auto reload, uncomment the command on the nginx service. This is necessary for auto reload nginx when certot renew the ssl certificates.

If you have your own SSL certificate modifiy config/nginx/conf.d/example.conf-ssl and docker-compose-yml-prod based on your needs (adjust the path to the certificates)

You can now start the services with:

docker-compose up -d


  • MySQL sotre persistent data on mysql volume. The volume persist until command docker-compose down -v is gived.
  • Laravel docker image contains laravel v. 8.5.9. To persist your work download the laravel version you desire and extract the archive in laravel-project dir (at the same lavel on docker-compose.yml).
  • The name of the persistent directory of laravel (laravel-project) can be changed in .env file
  • To import existing database create sql/ directory at the same level of docker-compose.yml and uncomment "./slq:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d" in the volume sections of the mysql service.
  • FORCE_MIGRATE environment variable (ose only on laravel service) whill force laravel to force migrations "php artisan migrate --force"
  • laravel container creates a .env enviroment file (laravel-project/.env) if no .env file exist. The file is created based on the enviroment varialbes attached to laravel service (MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD..). if .env file is found the file wont't be recreated/overwritten. If you provide an existing .env laravel file adjust to work wiht mysql container service.