
PHP >= 8.1 PDO Wrapper for Easy and Proper Bindings.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Easy to use PDO Wrapper for PHP >= 8.1


2022-11-25 (4.0.9)

  • Style fixes.


  • Bind value by the correct type. E.g. Don't bind as a string where an integer bind should be.
  • Bindings are injected, so you can create your own!
  • Help prevent injections.
  • PSR1/2/4 Compliant.


composer require geeklab/glpdo2


  • More tests, since we can test at many levels and implementations.
  • Better schema for testing.
  • Better docs.
  • More of a real wold example.
  • Reduce the complexity?

Basic Usage (Quick-N-Dirty)

ini_set('display_errors', '1');

require_once '..' . DS . '..' . DS . 'vendor' . DS . 'autoload.php';

$dbConn    = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=playground', 'root', '', [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]);
$db        = new \GeekLab\GLPDO2\GLPDO2($dbConn);
$Statement = new \GeekLab\GLPDO2\Statement(GLPDO2\Bindings\MySQL\MySQLBindingFactory::build());
$start     = 0;
$limit     = 5;

$Statement->sql('SELECT *')
          ->sql('FROM (')
          ->sql('          SELECT *')
          ->sql('          FROM   `mock_data`')
          ->sql('          LIMIT  ?, ?')->bInt($start)->bInt($limit)
          ->sql('     ) SUBQ')
          ->sql('ORDER BY `id` DESC;');

// Show computedSQL statement

$res = $db->selectRows($Statement);


Data Binding Methods

Statement->bBool($value, optional boolean $null) Binds a value as bool(true, false), with optional NULL value return.

Statement->bBoolInt($value, optional boolean $null) Binds a value as int(0, 1), with optional NULL value return.

Statement->bDate($value, optional boolean $null) Binds a value as a date (string - validated for YYYY-MM-DD), with optional NULL return.

Statement->bDateTime($value, optional boolean $null) Binds a value as a date time (string - validated for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS), with optional NULL return.

Statement->bFloat($value, optional integer $decimals, optional boolean $null) Binds a value aa a float, with decimal place (default of 3) and optional NULL return. Use '%%' instead of '?'.

Statement->bInt($value, optional boolean $null) Bind a value as an integer, whith optional NULL return.

Statement->bIntArray(array $data, integer $default) Converts an array of integers to a comma separated values. Will output $default (which is 0) if $data is not an array. Used with IN() statements. Use '%%' instead of '?'.

Statement->bJSON($data, optional boolean $null) Binds a JSON object or string as a string, with optional NULL value. Throws JsonException.

Statement->bLike($value, boolean $ends, boolean $starts) Binds a value as a string for LIKE queries. $ends = "ends with", $starts = "starts with"

Statement->bStr($value, optional boolean $null, optional \PDO::PARAM_* $type) Binds a value as a string, with optional NULL value return and optional PDO binding type (default \PDO::PARAM_STR).

Statement->bStrArr(array $values, optional string $default) Binds a string converted array for use with IN statements. $default is used when value isn't an array, which the default is NULL. Use '%%' instead of '?'.

Statement->bind($name, $value, \PDO::PARAM_* $type) Binds a value to a named parameter with option PDO binding type (default \PDO::PARAM_STR)

Statement->bRaw($value) Binds a raw value to '%%' in the sql statement. This is unquoted and unescaped. Good for tables names and functions. Can be dangerous if not handled correctly.

Query Methods

GLPDO->queryDelete(Statement $SQL) Runs a delete query and returns numbers of affected rows.

GLPDO->queryInsert(Statement $SQL) Runs an insert query and returns the primary ID.

GLPDO->queryUpdate(Statement $SQL) Runs an update query and returns number of affect rows

GLPDO->selectRows(Statement $SQL) Run a normal query, returns multiple rows as an array of associative arrays, or false.

GLPDO->selectRow(Statement $SQL) Runs a normal query, returns a single row as an array, or false.

GLPDO->selectValue(Statement $SQL, $column, $default) Runs a normal query, returns a single column ($column) and can return a default (mixed $default = null) value is no value is in the column.

GLPDO->selectRow(Statement $SQL) Runs a normal query, returns a single row as an array.

GLPDO->beginTransaction() Begins an SQL Transaction.

GLPDO->commit() Commits an SQL Transaction.

GLPDO->inTransaction() Is there a transaction in progress, returns bool.

Misc Methods

Statement->sql(string $text) Used to build up the SQL parameterized statement.

Statement->reset() Used to reset Statement private variables. Usefully for creating multiple queries without having to create a new Statement object.

Statement->execute(\PDO $PDO) Prepares and executes the statement

Statement->getComputed() Returns what the compiled SQL query string might look like for debugging purposes.

Alternative Packages