
Apex chart with extra batteries and an elegent api

MIT License



Apex chart integration for filament with extra batteries and Filament like api

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This plugin integrates Apex Charts on Filament to provide beautiful and interactive visualizations for your data. This package provides following features

  • Class based options and data setter with IDE autocompletion and docs.

  • Ability to generate chart data model with fluent methods.(via flowframe/laravel-trend)

  • Ability to set customizable filters.

  • Ability to enable/disable chart for users/team.(via laravel/penant)


You can install the package via composer:

composer require hasnayeen/glow-chart:^3.0


Create a new chart widget with following command:

php artisan make:glow-chart BlogPostsChart

The above command will create following class


namespace App\Filament\Widgets;

use Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Glowchart;
use Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Chart;
use Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Enums\ChartType;
use Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Options;
use Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Series;

class BlogPostsChart extends GlowChart
    protected static string $id = 'BlogPostsChart';

    protected static ?string $heading = 'Chart';

    protected function options(Options $options): Options
        return $options
                Chart::make(ChartType::{{ type }})

    protected function series(Series $series): Series
        return $series

The protected static ?string $id variable is used for referencing element to insert the Apex chart. You can override it but it should be unique from other chart on the page.

The protected static ?string $heading variable is used to set the heading that describes the chart.

The options method is used to set Apex Charts Options. The method should return an Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Options object. You can set all the options for available for Apex chart by using fluent methods on Options object.

First, you must set chart options via chart method:

    protected function options(Options $options): Options
        return $options

Pass a Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Chart object to chart method and set the type of chart using Hasnayeen\GlowChart\Enums\ChartType enum. You can chain other methods to set other options.

Next, you must provide your data via series method:

    protected function series(Series $series): Series
        return $series
            ->data([120, 90, 86, 71, 65, 23, 54, 87, 60, 234, 92, 120]);

Setting Chart Data

You can pass data to chart in multiple ways. You already saw how to pass array, you can also pass a Illuminate\Support\Collection object to data method.

You can also generate chart data from an Eloquent model (flowframe/laravel-trend is used under the hood for this). If you have created the chart for resource then you already have a resource property, if not add one like below

    protected static ?string $resource = BlogPostResource::class;

Now you can chain all the method from flowframe/laravel-trend to generate chart data from a model

    protected function series(Series $series): Series
        return $series
            ->between(now()->subMonths(11), now())

You can also pass additional query method by providing a closure to the trend method

    protected function series(Series $series): Series
        return $series
            ->trend(fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('status', 'published'))
            ->between(now()->subMonths(11), now())

Available methods for customizing query

You can use the following intervals:

  • perMinute()
  • perHour()
  • perDay()
  • perMonth()
  • perYear()

And following aggregates:

  • sum('column')
  • average('column')
  • max('column')
  • min('column')
  • count('*')


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.