
Graphviz generator for PHP - a rethinking of Image_GraphViz

GPL-3.0 License



Welcome to Grafizzi, a PHP wrapper for AT&T GraphViz.

Using Grafizzi in your PHP GraphViz projects

Installing it in your project.

$ composer require osinet/grafizzi

Generating graphs with Grafizzi

  1. Create a Pimple instance, passing it an instance for your PSR/3 logger of choice
    (e.g. Monolog) in the logger key, and possibly other arguments like
    directed to specify if you want to build a directed graph.
  2. Create a Graph instance, passing it the container.
  3. Add Subgraph, Node and Edge instances to the graph using the
    addChild() method. Each of these take the container and an array of
    Attribute instances in their constructor, or you can add them using
    setAttribute() after construction. Attribute instances are reusable on
    multiple elements.
  4. Invoke the build() method on the graph instance to obtain a string
    containing your Graphviz dot-file, which you can then output to a file or
    pipe to dot, neato or your Graphviz command of choice.
  5. Optional: use a chain of Filter instances to filter the result, for example
    to run Graphviz from your PHP script (DotFilter), or "tee" it between a
    filter pipe and a string (StringFilter).

You can take inspiration from the examples provided in the example/ directory:

  • example/hello_node.php builds a minimal graph showing a lot of logging
  • example/grafizzi.php builds a graph for the Grafizzi hierarchy of Filter

Working on Grafizzi itself

Installing Grafizzi for development

Obtain the Grafizzi sources

The easiest way to get started is to clone the Git repository.

git clone

Download the dependencies

Once you have a clone of the Grafizzi repository, you need to install its development dependencies, using the Composer package dependency manager.

Download Composer following the instructions on

Then run:

php composer.phar install

Note that Grafizzi is available for PHP ≥ 8.2.

Check your System Configuration

Now make sure that your local system is properly configured for Grafizzi. To do this, execute:

php example/hello-node.php

You should see a detailed debug execution trace. On a POSIX system, you can get just the resulting GraphViz source by redirecting stderr to /dev/null:

php example/hello-node.php 2> /dev/null

You should see a very basic GraphViz source:

graph g {
  label="Some graph";

  n1 [ label="Some node" ];
  n2 [ label="Other node" ];
  n1 -- n2;
} /* /graph g */

If you get any warnings or recommendations, or nothing at all, check your PHP error log, and fix these now before moving on.

Verifying the Grafizzi code

If your system includes the make command, after installing, run:

make lint

You should get a green bar with zero warnings.

Generating documentation

If your system includes the make and `doxygen' commands, and GraphViz itself, you can generate a fully indexed source documentation by running:

make docs

This will generate a HTML documentation with internal search engine in the doxygen/ directory. Use it by browsing to doxygen/html/index.html.

The documentation and search engine are even usable over file:/// URLs, so you do not need a web server to access it.

Running tests

If you want to make sure that Grafizzi runs fine on your system, run:

make test

Note that the Composer installation in dev mode will have installed PHPunit in your vendor folder.

Cleaning up

You can remove php_error.log, the generated doxygen docs directory, the generated coverage reports, and many stray generated files by running:

make clean

This will not remove the vendor/ directory.

Have fun!



  • 0.0.4:
    • Dropped all PHP ≤ 8.1 support, added PHP 8.3+ support
    • Upgraded to PHPUnit 11.2.x
    • examples renamed from app/* to example/*
    • Clean to PHPstan level 7
  • 0.0.3:
    • Dropped PHP < 7.4 support, added PHP 8.1+ support
    • Upgraded to PHPunit 9.5.x
    • Clean to PHPstan level 6
  • 0.0.2:
    • Dropped PHP 5.x support, upgraded to PHP 7.2/7.3
    • Upgraded to PHPUnit 8.x
  • 0.0.1:
    • Removed runtime dependency on Monolog
    • Upgraded to PHP/PHPunit 5.x.