
A tool for working with images.

MIT License


A tool for working with images


A tool for working with images. It can be used as an extension of the Nette Framework.

There is Image storage for storing images easily and/or deleting them from the storage. There are also several ways how to resize and/or process images. Then, you can get a stored image path directly, or you can use prepared Latte macros to generate HTML tags. See Usage.

Requires the PHP version 8.2 or newer and PHP extensions fileinfo, gd, and intl.


Download the latest release or use Composer:

composer require harmim/images


For working with images, we need \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage:

Without Nette

$customConfig = [
	'wwwDir' => __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'www',
	'compression' => 90,
	'placeholder' => 'images/foo.png',
	'types' => [
		'img-small' => [
			'width' => 50,
			'height' => 50,
			'transform' => \Harmim\Images\Resize::Exact,
$imageStorage = $customConfig + \Harmim\Images\Config\Config::Defaults;

In $customConfig, you can specify a custom configuration. See Configuration.

With Nette

You can enable and customise the extension using your NEON config:

  images: \Harmim\Images\DI\ImagesExtension

  compression: 90
  placeholder: images/foo.png
      width: 50
      height: 50
      transform: ::constant(\Harmim\Images\Resize::Exact)

In the images section, you can specify a custom configuration. See Configuration.

\Harmim\Images\ImageStorage is now registrated in the DI container. You can get it directly from the container:

/** @var \Nette\DI\Container $container */
$imageStorage = $container->getService('images.imageStorage');
// or
$imageStorage = $container->getByType(\Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::class);

Of course, you can inject \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage through a constructor, inject method, inject annotation, or any other way.

If you want to use \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage in a presenter or control where inject methods are called, you can use trait \Harmim\Images\TImageStorage. In your presenters, controls, and theire templates, there will be variable $imageStorage.

abstract class BasePresenter extends \Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	use \Harmim\Images\TImageStorage;

abstract class BaseControl extends \Nette\Application\UI\Control
	use \Harmim\Images\TImageStorage;

The extension installs images macros to Latte. See Macros.

Storing Images

You can store an image using method \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::saveImage(string $name, string $path): string or \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::saveUpload(\Nette\Http\FileUpload $file): string. An original image will be stored; then, it will be compresed.

Both methods return a stored image file name. You can use this file name to delete, resize, or retrieve the image.

Images are stored with a unique file name and location.

Deleting Images

Using method \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::deleteImage(string $fileName, array $excludedTypes = []): void, you can delete an image by $fileName which should be a file name returned by \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::saveImage or \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::saveUpload.

If you pass $excludedTypes, only other types will be deleted; otherwise, all types, the original image, and the compressed image will be deleted.

Getting Stored Images' Paths

You can get a stored image path using method \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::getImageLink(string $fileName, ?string $type = null, array $options = []): ?string or Macros. You can pass a specific type defined in an inital configuration, or you can pass specific options. See Configuration. $fileName should be a file name returned by \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::saveImage or \Harmim\Images\ImageStorage::saveUpload.

If you try to get an image of a size or a type for a first time, this image is not yet created, so it will be created now. Next time, you will get a resized image.

If the image does not exist, a placeholder will be returned.

In case you need to get an original/compressed image, in the configuration, you can use orig/compressed, respectively. For example, ['orig' => true]. It is also possible to use these options in macros.



{img [$image] [image-type] [options]}

Renders the img tag:

<img src="foo.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="foo">

or tags for lazy loading with the lazy option:

<img class="lazy" data-src="foo.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="foo">
<noscript><img src="foo.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="foo"></noscript>


{img alt => 'foo'} {* returns a path to a placeholder *}

{* '$image' is a file name *}
{img $image alt => 'foo'}
{img $image width => 200, height => 200, alt => 'foo'}

{* 'img-small' is an image type defined in the configuration *}
{img $image img-small alt => 'foo'}
{img $image img-small compression => 90, alt => 'foo', class => 'bar'}

{img $image img-small lazy => true, alt => 'foo'}
{img $image img-small lazy => true, width => 500, height => 650, alt => 'foo'}


<img n:img="[$image] [image-type] [options]" alt="foo">

Renders the src attribute. It can be used, e.g., in the img element.


<img n:img alt="foo"> {* renders a path to a placeholder *}

{* '$image' is a file name *}
<img n:img="$image" alt="foo">
<img n:img="$image width => 200, height => 200" width="200" height="200"

{* 'img-small' is an image type defined in the configuration *}
<img n:img="$image img-small" alt="foo">
<img n:img="$image img-small compression => 90" alt="foo" class="bar">


{imgLink [$image] [image-type] [options]}

Returns a relative path (from the resource root directory) to a given image.


{imgLink} {* returns a path to a placeholder *}

{* '$image' is a file name *}
{imgLink $image}
{imgLink $image width => 200, height => 200}

{* 'img-small' is an image type defined in the configuration *}
{imgLink $image img-small}
{imgLink $image img-small compression => 90}

<div class="image-box" data-src="{imgLink $image img-small}}"></div>


  • wwwDir: (string) An absolute path to the resource root directory.
    • Default: %wwwDir% in Nette; otherwise, you have to specify this parameter.
  • imagesDir: (string) A relative path (from wwwDir) to a directory for
    storing images.
    • Default: data/images.
  • origDir: (string) A relative path (from imagesDir) to a directory for
    storing original images.
    • Default: orig.
  • compressionDir: (string) A relative path (from imagesDir) to a
    directory for storing compressed images.
    • Default: imgs.
  • placeholder: (string) A relative path (from wwwDir) to an image
    placeholder (when an image is not found).
    • Default: img/noimg.jpg.
  • width: (int) An image width.
    • Default: 1024.
  • height: (int) An image height.
    • Default: 1024.
  • compression: (int) A compression quality. See \Nette\Utils\Image::save.
    • Default: 85.
  • transform: (\Harmim\Images\Resize|list<\Harmim\Images\Resize>) See
    • Default: \Harmim\Images\Resize::OrSmaller.
  • allowedImgTagAttrs: (list<string>) img attributes you can use in the
    {img} Latte macro, other attributes are ignored.
    • Default: [alt, height, width, class, hidden, id, style, title, data].
  • lazy: (bool) Render the {img} Latte macro as a lazy image (with the
    data-src attribute, lazy class, and normal img tag in the noscript
    • Default: false.
  • types: (array<string, mixed>) A configuration for image types overriding
    the default configuration.
    • Default: [].
    • Example:
    width: 50
    height: 50
    lazy: true
    	- ::constant(\Harmim\Images\Resize::Stretch)
    	- ::constant(\Harmim\Images\Resize::Cover)
  • destDir: (?string) A directory where to find images.
    • Default: null.
  • orig: (?bool) When set to true, the original image will be returned.
    • Default: null.
  • compressed: (?bool) When set to true, the original compressed image
    will be returned.
    • Default: null.


Option Description
\Harmim\Images\Resize::ShrinkOnly Only shrinking (prevents a small image from being stretched).
\Harmim\Images\Resize::Stretch Do not keep the aspect ratio.
\Harmim\Images\Resize::OrSmaller The resulting dimensions will be smaller or equal to the required dimensions.
\Harmim\Images\Resize::OrBigger Fills (and possibly exceeds in one dimension) the target area.
\Harmim\Images\Resize::Cover Fills the target area and cuts off what goes beyond.
\Harmim\Images\Resize::Exact Placees a not stretched image to the exact blank area.


This tool is licensed under the MIT license.

Author: Dominik Harmim <[email protected]>