
Introduction to HTTP Caching


HTTP Caching

This is a training to learn the basics of HTTP Caching. In this training we cover three different layers of HTTP Caching:

  • Browser Caching
  • Proxy Caching using Amazon CloudFront
  • Gateway Caching using Varnish

Navigate to the different folders to find out more.


If you want to deploy the content of this repository to an EC2 instance to test the caching mechanisms, like CloudFront, follow these simple steps. Go to the AWS Console and start a new EC2 micro instance. Choose the default VPC. To be able to later access the machine, create a new pair of SSH keys or choose an already existing pair. Wait for it to be available.

While this happens, install Ansible and Ansistrano on your Vagrant

$ sudo easy_install pip
$ sudo pip install ansible
$ ansible-galaxy install carlosbuenosvinos.ansistrano-deploy carlosbuenosvinos.ansistrano-rollback

The EC2 instance should be available now. Go to the AWS Console and then to Security Groups. Choose the security group that you are using for the instance and allow all traffic from the internet to the machine. This is insecure but it's just for this training. Try sshing into the machine selecting your pem key. Choose the key that you selected while creating the instance. Remember that for Ubuntu instances, the SSH user is ubuntu.

$ ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/personal.pem [email protected]

Edit the deploy.yml and rollback files, mainly updating the ansistrano_deploy_to variable. This is the path where your application will be deployed. There is an infrastructure.yml that makes sure that your server has php and apache installed, which is executed every time we deploy.

Finally, execute Ansible to deploy

$ ansible-playbook --private-key $HOME/.ssh/personal.pem -u ubuntu -i, deploy.yml

Try to deploy several times and watch the releases folder grow. Where is the current folder pointing to? What happens when you execute the rollback.yml playbook?