
The Inner Circle chat bot.

MIT License



For development

Setting up a Local Development Environment

Create a Telegram Bot

In order to test the application locally you will first need to create your own Telegram bot to interact with. See the Telegram docs for instructions on creating and configuring your own bot.

Configure the Hostname

Add the following entry to /etc/hosts:  inner-circle-bot.local

Set Environment Variables

To set up your local environment variables copy .env.example to .env then set the variables in the .env file.

cp .env.example .env

Start the Docker Environment

To build and start the containers on your system for the first time run the following from the project's root directory:

docker-compose up -d

Install PHP dependencies

composer install

or from within the Docker container:

docker run -it --rm --env-file ${PWD}/.env --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --volume ${PWD}:/app composer:1.9 \
    && composer install --working-dir /app --ignore-platform-reqs --no-cache --no-interaction --no-scripts

Create application tunnel via ngrok

ngrok http -host-header=rewrite http://inner-circle-bot.local:80

Set the Telegram bot webhook URL

curl --request POST --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --url{{ TELEGRAM_TOKEN }}/setWebhook \
    --data '{"url": "{{ NGROK_URL }}/{{ TELEGRAM_TOKEN }}"'

For more info, see

List of Commands

btc - Get the market price (in USD) for bitcoin (`/btc [YYYY-MM-DD]`)
busy - Generate a random "busy" message
coinflip - Flip a coin
dilbert - Get a Dilbert comic (`/dilbert [YYYY-MM-DD | random]`)
eightball - Consult the Magic Eightball (`/eightball [question]`)
explosm - Fetch a Cyanide & Happiness comic (`/explosm [id]`)
foxtrot - Fetch the latest FoxTrot comic
monkeyuser - Fetch the latest MonkeyUser comic
ping - Verify bot connectivity
roll - Roll some dice (`/roll [ 2d6 | 1d10 | etc ]`)
slap - Slap somone around a bit (`/slap <name>`)
smbc - Fetch the latest smbc comic
xkcd - Retrieve an XKCD comic (`/xkcd [id]`)

ℹ️ Parameters

  • Parameters in angled brackets (<...>) are REQUIRED.
  • Parameters in square braces ([...]) are OPTIONAL.


Please report bugs to the GitHub Issue Tracker.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.