
Program to saving Instagram Stories

GPL-3.0 License


InstaStories Saver

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Program for saving Instagram Stories

Installing and using

All it's easy. You must download zip-archive of this repository and unpack it in any directory. Next you must install PHP:

  • Windows 7-10:

Download and install (if wasn't installed before) VC2015 Redist.

Download archive of PHP 7.2.2, unpack it in any directory, next you must add PHP folder's address to %Path% (or you can unpack all files to bin folder of InstaStories' unpacked program), next you must download php.ini and move it to folder with php.exe file

  • Windows XP:

Download and install (if wasn't installed before) VC2008 Redist.

Download archive of PHP 5.4.45, unpack it in any directory, next you must add PHP folder's address to %Path% (or you can unpack all files to bin folder of InstaStories' unpacked program), next you must download php.ini and move it to folder with php.exe file

  • Linux Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install php php-curl php-gd

  • Mac OS:

You must activate Command Line Tools package! PHP is default installed to your system. In any other case (Saver can't working), execute this command in Terminal:

curl -s | bash -s 7.2

On *NIX systems you must give permission for executing, for example: chmod +x

Next run the main file, depending of OS ( - *NIX, InstaStories.cmd - Windows), and you can see following window:

Boot screen (decorative only, however =) )

Next you'll see program:

Enter your Instagram login and password and... This program downloads every accessible Stories from your feed! You'll can find their, sorted by user's names, in Instagram directory.

Program remembers your authorisation data, on next times you'll can download Stories by simple running this program and waited some time. If you want to remove your authorisation data, just remove temp folder.

If anything is broken, first of all remove temp folder and pass the authorisation again. If your problem doesn't leaves - create Issue here, on GitHub.

Thank all for using of my program!

Ubuntu Linux test screenshot

Configuration file

In the bin folder, in addition to code files and program resources, there is also a configuration file config.json.

The configuration is stored in the JSON format. The following directives are supported (the absence of emphasized directives will lead to unpredictable consequences):

  • stories_folder - folder name for saved stories (default - Instagram)
  • temp_folder - name of the temporary folder (default - temp)
  • cookies_storage - name of the file with user's authorization data (cookies) (default - curl_cookies.lcf)
  • loading_sprite_1 - specifies the path from the root folder to the second boot image (default - bin/instaload.png.conpic2)
  • loading_sprite_2 - specifies the path from the root folder to the second boot image (default - bin/myLogo.png.conpic2)
  • incognito - enable incognito mode (the author can't check that you watched his stories) (default is missing, accepts true/false)

Чёрный и белый списки

Now the program supports whitelist and blacklist. They are mutually exclusive, that is, you can use only one of the lists, or none. The white list has priority, that is, if there is a white list, the black list will not be taken into account. To create lists, create whitelist.txt or blacklist.txt in the bin/ folder for the white and black lists, respectively. Record format: 1 nickname - one line. If there is at least one entry in the white list, the black list will be completely ignored. The program will download stories only when nicknames from the white list have them. Also, the program will completely ignore downloading stories from accounts in the black list (if the white list is empty). These lists are very useful when you need to download stories of only certain people, and in your subscriptions there are a lot of unnecessary to save accounts.

Scripting and Task Scheduler

This program can be used with your task scheduler. It is enough that the scheduler runs the start file in the folder with its.

To simplify automation, the program accepts the following arguments:

  • --no-bootsprites - doesn't show pictures when program starts up
  • --no-exit-pause - doesn't wait user's action when program finished

It's enough for a simple planned autorun. Any other thing is job for task scheduler.