
Renders various representations (JSON-LD, etc.) of an Islandora object.

GPL-2.0 License


Islandora Whole Object


Islandora 8/9 module that provides some Drupal blocks containing various representations of an Islandora object:

  • a block that contains the Drupal RDF properties in a table, as illustrated below
  • a block listing Fedora's Turtle Linked Data representation of the resource
  • a block listing Blazegraph's N-Triples Linked Data representation of the resource
  • a block showing an "org chart" containing the current object's parent(s) and children
  • a block containing the Solr document for the node
  • a block listing the files associated with the object (showing different info than the default "Media" tab)

This is a sample "Drupal RDF Properties" block:

This is a sample "Solr Document" block:

This is a sample "Parents and Children" block:



  1. Clone this repo into your Islandora's drupal/web/modules/contrib directory.
  2. Enable the module either under the "Admin > Extend" menu or by running drush en -y islandora_whole_object.


After you enable this module, some new blocks will show up in your "Block Layout" admin area with the catagory "Islandora":


The blocks provided by this module are standard Drupal blocks, so you can configure them as you like. However, since they contain more information than most blocks do, you should:

  • place them in wide regions, such as "Content suffix" (if your theme provides that region)
  • configure the blocks so they display only for Islandora content types
  • configure the blocks so they display only for specific roles (they are not intended for display to anonymous users)

Current maintainer



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