
🦭 Headless Kirby starter – KQL, Express-esque middlewares & more

MIT License


Kirby Headless Starter

[!TIP] Send a request with a Authorization: Bearer test header to the live playground for an example response.

This starter kit provides a minimal setup for a headless Kirby site. It allows you to fetch JSON-encoded data from your Kirby site using either KQL or Kirby's default template system. Under the hood, it uses the Kirby Headless Plugin to provide a headless API.

This project works well with Nuxt KQL.

Example Projects

Key Features


[!TIP] 📖 Read the documentation

Kirby-related dependencies are managed via Composer and located in the vendor directory. To install them, run:

composer install

Environment Variables

Duplicate the .env.development.example as .env and adjust its values:

cp .env.development.example .env

[!NOTE] Make sure to set the correct requesting origin instead of the wildcard KIRBY_HEADLESS_ALLOW_ORIGIN=* for your deployment.


[!NOTE] See for exemplary deployment instructions.

Some hosting environments require uncommenting RewriteBase / in .htaccess to make site links work.


MIT License © 2022-PRESENT Johann Schopplich