
Language selector Menubar


Welcome to Langbar plugin README

It simply creates Block of flags with labels, for easy way to change whole sites language.

It get all languages from your settings and makes icons for it.

If you need to change flags, they are placed in folder /app/plugins/langbar/webroot/img/flags/ flags are named in 3-chars code defined in ISO 3611 alpha-2 (like eng.png, ger.png, etc..)

Only option i recommend you, is to turn off showing Block title, in your admin

Blocks > Blocks > Langbar > Edit > uncheck "show Title" > save

I hope you like it

If there is some problem, send me message on [email protected] I'll try to solve your problems with my work :)

Released under Artistic license (could be found on )

F.A.Q !

(Q) Links for my languages doesn't work correctly. / Links are pointing to something like "http://domain.tld/English" instead of "http://domain.tld/eng" (A) The link is created from languages table, which is manageable in administration. Go to : Administration > Settings > Languages and change native column to 3-letter code (ISO 3611 alpha-2), which is same as used in /app/locale/ folder

Final row should look like this: (id: auto_created) (title: whatever) (native: 3-letters-code) (alias: whatever)