
Laravel wrapper for the recommendation system Easyrec

APACHE-2.0 License


Laravel easyrec

What is easyrec?

easyrec is an open source recommendation engine system that provides personalized recommendations using a RESTful API.

The recommendation engine server

You can use the server and call the associated RESTful API maintained by the easyrec team or download easyrec and call the API on one of your servers.

For additional information, take a look at the easyrec website.

Use easyrec with the server maintained by the team

This is the ready-to-go solution. You may want to use this if you don't want to configure another server dedicated to easyrec.

  • Create a easyrec account:
  • Open up your mailbox and activate your account
  • Create a new Tenant in your dashboard
  • Fill your API key and your Tenant ID in the configuration file

Configure your own easyrec server

Take a look at the easyrec installation guide.


PHP 5.4+ or HHVM 3.3+, and Composer are required.

To get the latest version of Laravel Easyrec, simply add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file:

"antoineaugusti/laravel-easyrec": "~1.0"

You'll then need to run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once Laravel Easyrec is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

  • 'Antoineaugusti\LaravelEasyrec\LaravelEasyrecServiceProvider'

You can register the Easyrec facade in the aliases key of your config/app.php file if you like.

  • 'Easyrec' => 'Antoineaugusti\LaravelEasyrec\Facades\LaravelEasyrec'

Looking for a Laravel 4 compatible version?

Checkout the 0.5.4 version, installable by requiring "antoineaugusti/laravel-easyrec": "0.5.4". You can also checkout the laravel-4 branch.


To get started, you'll need to publish all vendor assets:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

This will create a config/easyrec.php file in your app that you can modify to set your configuration. Also, make sure you check for changes to the original config file in this package between releases.



The following variables are common to the actions methods.

Required parameters
  • $itemid: An item ID to identify an item on your website. Eg: "POST42"
  • $itemdescription: An item description that is displayed when showing recommendations on your website.
  • $itemurl: An item URL that links to the item page. Please give an absolute path.
  • $sessionid: A session ID of a user. If not given, will try to guess with the Session facade Session::getId()
Optional parameters
  • $userid: A user ID.
  • $itemimageurl: An optional item image URL that links to an imagine of the item. Please give an absolute path.
  • $actiontime: An action time parameter that overwrites the current timestamp of the action. The parameter has the format "dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm_ss".
  • $itemtype: An item type that denotes the type of the item (IMAGE, BOOK etc.). If not supplied, the default value ITEM will be used. Warning: before specifying a custom itemtype you must add this custom item type by using the web administration panel of Easyrec.


If an error occurs, an exception Antoineaugusti\LaravelEasyrec\Exceptions\EasyrecException will be thrown with one of the following code and message:

  • code 299: Wrong APIKey/Tenant combination!
  • code 301: Item requires an id!
  • code 303: Item requires a description!
  • code 304: Item requires a URL!
  • code 305: Item requires a valid Rating Value! (only when calling the rate method)
  • code 401: A session id is required!
  • code 912: Operation failed! itemType XXX not found for tenant YYY


This action should be raised if a user views an item.

Function signature

Easyrec::view($itemid, $itemdescription, $itemurl, $userid = null, $itemimageurl = null, $actiontime = null, $itemtype = null, $sessionid = null)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required.

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"action": "view",
	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"userid": "24EH1723322222A3",
	"sessionid": "F3D4E3BE31EE3FA069F5434DB7EC2E34",
	"item": [
	  "id": "42",
	  "itemType": "ITEM",
	  "description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
	  "url": "/item/fatboyslim"


This action should be raised if a user buys an item.

Function signature

Easyrec::buy($itemid, $itemdescription, $itemurl, $userid = null, $itemimageurl = null, $actiontime = null, $itemtype = null, $sessionid = null)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required.

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "buy",
	"userid": "24EH1723322222A3",
	"sessionid": "F3D4E3BE31EE3FA069F5434DB7EC2E34",
	"item": [
	  "id": "42",
	  "type": "ITEM",
	  "description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
	  "url": "/item/fatboyslim"


This action should be raised if a user rates an item.

Function signature

Easyrec::rate($itemid, $ratingvalue, $itemdescription, $itemurl, $userid = null, $itemimageurl = null, $actiontime = null, $itemtype = null, $sessionid = null)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required. The rating value is an additional parameter.

  • $ratingvalue: the rating value of the item. Must be an integer in the range from 1 to 10.
Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "rate",
	"action": "rate",
	"userid": "24EH1723322222A3",
	"sessionid": "F3D4E3BE31EE3FA069F5434DB7EC2E34",
	"item": [
	  "id": "42",
	  "type": "ITEM",
	  "description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
	  "ratingValue": "10",
	  "url": "/item/fatboyslim"

Send a custom action

This action can be used to send generic user actions.

Function signature

sendAction($itemid, $itemdescription, $itemurl, $actiontype, $actionvalue = null, $userid = null, $itemimageurl = null, $actiontime = null, $itemtype = null, $sessionid = null)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required. There are two addition parameters.

  • $actiontype: A required action type you want to use to send. You must create the action type in the web interface before you can use it in API calls.
  • $actionvalue: If your action type uses action values this parameter is required. It is used to save the action value of your action.
Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "rate",
	"action": "delete",
	"userid": "24EH1723322222A3",
	"sessionid": "F3D4E3BE31EE3FA069F5434DB7EC2E34",
	"item": [
	  "id": "42",
	  "type": "ITEM",
	  "description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
	  "ratingValue": "10",
	  "url": "/item/fatboyslim"


The following variables are common to the recommendations methods.

Required parameters
  • $itemid: An item ID to identify an item on your website. Eg: "POST42"
Optional parameters
  • $userid: A user ID. If this parameter is provided, items viewed by this user are suppressed.
  • $numberOfResults: determine the number of results returned. Must be an integer in the range from 1 to 15.
  • $itemtype: An item type that denotes the type of the item (IMAGE, BOOK etc.). If not supplied, the default value ITEM will be used. Warning: before specifying a custom itemtype you must add this custom item type by using the web administration panel of Easyrec.
  • $requesteditemtype: A type of an item (e.g. IMAGE, VIDEO, BOOK, etc.) to filter the returned items. If not supplied the default value ITEM will be used.
  • $withProfile: If this parameter is set to true the result contains an additional element profileData with the item profile. Default value to false.


If an error occurs, an exception Antoineaugusti\LaravelEasyrec\Exceptions\EasyrecException will be thrown with one of the following code and message:

  • code 299: Wrong APIKey/Tenant combination!
  • code 300: Item does not exist!
  • code 403: No Userd Id given! (only when calling the recommendationsForUser method)
  • code 912: Operation failed! itemType XXX not found for tenant YYY

Users also viewed

Users who viewed the specified item also viewed the returned items.

Function signature

Easyrec::usersAlsoViewed($itemid, $userid = null, $numberOfResults = 10, $itemtype = null, $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required.

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "otherUsersAlsoViewed",
	"user": [
		"id": "24EH1723322222A3"
	"baseitem": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "42",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
		"url": "/item/fatboyslim"
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Users also bought

Users who bought the specified item also bought the returned items.

Function signature

Easyrec::usersAlsoBought($itemid, $userid = null, $numberOfResults = 10, $itemtype = null, $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required.

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "otherUsersAlsoBought",
	"user": [
		"id": "24EH1723322222A3"
	"baseitem": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "42",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
		"url": "/item/fatboyslim"
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Items rated good by other users

Users who rated the specified item "good" did the same with items returned by this method.

Function signature

Easyrec::ratedGoodByOther($itemid, $userid = null, $numberOfResults = 10, $itemtype = null, $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required.

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "itemsRatedGoodByOtherUsers",
	"user": [
		"id": "24EH1723322222A3"
	"baseitem": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "42",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank",
		"url": "/item/fatboyslim"
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Recommendations for user

Returns recommendations for a given user ID.

Function signature

Easyrec::recommendationsForUser($userid, $numberOfResults = 10, $requesteditemtype = null, $actiontype = "VIEW", $withProfile = false)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required. There is an additional parameter

  • $actiontype: Allows to define which actions of a user are considered when creating the personalized recommendation. Valid values are: VIEW, RATE, BUY.
Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "recommendationsForUser",
	"user": [
		"id": "24EH1723322222A3"
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

History for user

Returns items which were involved in the latest user actions.

Function signature

Easyrec::actionHistoryForUser($userid, $numberOfResults = 10, $requesteditemtype = null, $actiontype = null)


Non-null variables in the function signature are required. There is an additional parameter

  • $actiontype: Allows to define which actions of a user are considered when creating the personalized recommendation. Valid values are: VIEW, RATE, BUY.
Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	'action' => 'actionhistory',
	'recommendeditems' => [
		'item' => [
			0 => [
				'creationDate' => '2014-08-24 12:40:32.0',
				'description' => 'Quote 17982',
				'imageUrl' => [
					'@nil' => 'true'
				'id' => '17982',
				'itemType' => 'QUOTE',
				'profileData' => [
					'@nil' => 'true'
				'url' => ''
			1 => [
				'creationDate' => '2014-08-24 12:00:59.0',
				'description' => 'Quote 17987',
				'imageUrl' => [
					'@nil' => 'true'
				'id' => '17987',
				'itemType' => 'QUOTE',
				'profileData' => [
					'@nil' => 'true'
				'url' => ''
	'tenantid' => 'demo',
	'userid' => '27',
	'listids' => [
		0 => 17982,
		1 => 17987,
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))


The following variables are common to the rankings methods.

Optional parameters
  • $numberOfResults: determine the number of results returned. Must be an integer in the range from 1 to 50.
  • $requesteditemtype: An item type that denotes the type of the item (IMAGE, BOOK etc.). If not supplied, the default value ITEM will be used.
  • $timeRange: An optional parameter to determine the time range. Available values:
    • DAY: most viewed items within the last 24 hours
    • WEEK: most viewed items within the last week
    • MONTH: most viewed items within the last month
    • ALL (default): if no value or this value is given, the most viewed items of all time will be shown.
  • $withProfile: If this parameter is set to true the result contains an additional element profileData with the item profile. Default value to false.


If an error occurs, an exception Antoineaugusti\LaravelEasyrec\Exceptions\EasyrecException will be thrown with one of the following code and message:

  • code 299: Wrong APIKey/Tenant combination!
  • code 300: Item does not exist!
  • code 912: Operation failed! itemType XXX not found for tenant YYY

Most viewed items

Shows items that were viewed most by all users

Function signature

Easyrec::mostViewedItems($numberOfResults = 30, $timeRange = 'ALL', $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "mostViewedItems",
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
			"profile": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys",
		"imageurl": "/img/covers/beastieboys.jpg",
		"value": "111.0"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Most bought items

Shows items that were bought the most.

Function signature

Easyrec::mostBoughtItems($numberOfResults = 30, $timeRange = 'ALL', $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "mostBoughtItems",
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
			"profile": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys",
		"imageurl": "/img/covers/beastieboys.jpg",
		"value": "111.0"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Most rated items

Shows items that were rated the most.

Function signature

Easyrec::mostRatedItems($numberOfResults = 30, $timeRange = 'ALL', $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "mostRatedItems",
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
			"profile": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys",
		"imageurl": "/img/covers/beastieboys.jpg",
		"value": "111.0"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Best rated items

Shows the best rated items. The ranking only includes items that have an average ranking value greater than 5.5.

Function signature

Easyrec::bestRatedItems($numberOfResults = 30, $timeRange = 'ALL', $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "bestRatedItems",
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
			"profile": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys",
		"imageurl": "/img/covers/beastieboys.jpg",
		"value": "111.0"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))

Worst rated items

Shows the worst rated items. The ranking only includes items that have an average ranking value less than 5.5.

Function signature

Easyrec::worstRatedItems($numberOfResults = 30, $timeRange = 'ALL', $requesteditemtype = null, $withProfile = false)

Example response

The response will be returned as a PHP array.

	"tenantid": "EASYREC_DEMO",
	"action": "worstRatedItems",
	"recommendeditems": [
	  "item": [
		"id": "43",
		"type": "ITEM",
		"description": "Beastie Boys - Intergalactic",
		"profileData": [
			"profile": [
				"year": "1990"
		"url": "/item/beastieboys",
		"imageurl": "/img/covers/beastieboys.jpg",
		"value": "111.0"
	"listids": [
Retrieving your models

Note that your models can be retrieved using this simple code:

YourModel::whereIn('id', $result['listids'])->get();

If you want to keep the order of the items, you can use this code if you are using MySQL:

$ids = $result['listids']:
YourModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
	->orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(`id`, '.implode(',', $ids).')'))