
Register Eloquent model event listeners just-in-time directly on the model.

MIT License


Laravel Eloquent Observable

Register Eloquent model event listeners just-in-time directly from the model.

Using Observers can introduce a (significant) overhead on the application since they are usually registered in a service provider which results in every model in your application with a observer is "booted" a startup of the application even though the model is never touched in the request. This package aims to reduce that overhead by connecting listeners just-in-time whenever the Eloquent model is booted (first used) in the request. The event callbacks are also defined on the model itself keeping the code cleaner, althought this is my preference of course and if you disagree this might not be the package for you.

[!NOTE] Laravel 10.44 introduced the ObservedBy attribute which allows you to define the observer on the model itself which negates all the performance benefits of this package. However this package still provides an alternative way to define the event handler methods on the model itself so might still be considered useful but using the ObservedBy attribute will solve the performance issue with registering the model observers inside a service provider.


composer require stayallive/laravel-eloquent-observable


Adding the Observable trait will ensure that the observable events are connected to the event handlers defined on the model.


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Stayallive\Laravel\Eloquent\Observable\Observable;

class SomeModel extends Model
    use Observable;

    // Event handlers are defined by `onEventName` where `EventName` is any valid Eloquent event (or custom event)
    // See a full list of Eloquent events:
    public static function onSaving(self $model): void
        // For example:
        $model->slug = str_slug($model->title);

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Alex Bouma at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be swiftly addressed.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.