
Plug-and-play full history for your Eloquent models

MIT License


Eloquent History

No-setup history recording for your Eloquent models. Just install, migrate, and it works!

Roadmap (contributions most welcome 🙏🏼)

  • retention configuration & command
  • bundle frontend implementation to present history in a beautiful form blade
  • bundle frontend implementation to present history in a beautiful form vue
  • bundle frontend implementation to present history in a beautiful form TALL stack
  • bundle frontend implementation to present history in a beautiful form react


You can install the package via composer:

composer require sofa/laravel-history

Then publish migrations and config, then run migrations to create the necessary table:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sofa\History\HistoryServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * Model of the User performing actions and recorded in the history.
     * @see \Sofa\History\History::user()
    'user_model' => 'App\Models\User',

     * Custom user resolver for the actions recorded by the package.
     * Should be callable returning a User performing an action, or their raw identifier.
     * By default auth()->id() is used.
     * @see \Sofa\History\HistoryListener::getUserId()
    'user_resolver' => null,

     * **RETENTION** requires adding cleanup command to your schedule
     * Retention period for the history records.
     * Accepts any parsable date string, eg.
     * '2021-01-01' -> retain anything since 2021-01-01
     * '3 months' -> retain anything no older than 3 months
     * '1 year' -> retain anything no older than 1 year
     * @see strtotime()
     * @see \Sofa\History\RetentionCommand
    'retention' => null,


Time travel with your models:

$postFromThePast = History::recreate(Post::class, $id, '2020-12-10', ['categories']);
// or: $postFromThePast = Post::recreate($id, '2020-12-10', ['categories']);

// model attributes as of 2020-12-10:

// relations as of 2020-12-10:

// related models attributes also as of 2020-12-10:

Get a full history/audit log of your models

$history = History::for($post)->get();

# For each update in the history you will get an entry like below:
>>> $history->first()
=> Sofa\History\History {#4320
     id: 16,
     model_type: "App\Models\Post",
     model_id: 5,
     action: "created",
     data: "{"title": "officiis", "user_id": 5, "created_at": "2021-06-07 00:00:00", "updated_at": "2021-06-07 00:00:00"}",
     user_id: null,
     created_at: "2021-06-07 00:00:00",
     updated_at: "2021-06-07 00:00:00",

# And here you can see a sample of the recorded activity:
>>> $history->pluck('action')
=> Illuminate\Support\Collection {#4315
     all: [

You can easily create an Audit Log for your users too:

// User model
public function auditLog()
    return $this->hasMany(History::class, 'user_id');

// Then
$auditLog = auth()->user()->auditLog()->paginate();

Additional setup & known limitations

The package offers 2 main functionalities:

  • recording full history for a model
  • recreating models with all relations in the past

History recording works out of the box for all your Eloquent models (really 😉). Additionally it will record and recreate model relations. There are however some limitations due to relations inner workings in Laravel:

  • recreating HasMany, BelongsTo, MorphTo, MorphMany & HasManyThrough is fully supported out of the box

  • recording and recreating many-to-many relations requires custom pivot model in order for Laravel to fire relevant events (BelongsToMany, MoprhToMany). If you defined a custom pivot on your relation(s) already, you don't need to do anything. Otherwise, you can use provided placeholder pivot models:

    // original relations:
    public function categories()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class);
    public function tags()
        return $this->morphToMany(Tag::class, 'taggable');
    // change to:
    public function categories()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class)->using(\Sofa\History\PivotEvents::class);
    public function tags()
        return $this->morphToMany(Tag::class, 'taggable')->using(\Sofa\History\MorphPivotEvents::class);
  • HasOne relation can be recreated only when specific requirements are met: there is a single orderBy(...) on the relation definition and there are no complex where(...) clauses (it does not affect recording history, just recreating model with relations):

    // this will work:
    public function lastComment()
        return $this->hasOne(Comment::class)->latest('id')->whereIn('status', ['approved', 'pending']);
    // this will not work (currently...):
    public function lastComment()
        return $this->hasOne(Comment::class) // no ordering
            ->where(fn ($q) => $q->where(...)->orWhere(...)); // unsupported where clause
    • HasOneThrough is currently not supported at all


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.