
Termii SMS/Whatsapp Channel for Laravel

MIT License


Termii notifications channel for Laravel

This package brings you the joy of sending Termii notifications with Laravel, with the same effortlessness as a Sunday morning coffee. Take a sip and let's get started.



You can install the package faster than you can say "composer" via composer:

composer require infinitypaul/laravel-notification-channel-termii

Service providers... You gotta love them. You either have to install them yourself, or if you're living on the edge with Laravel 5.5 or higher, let the package auto discovery do the work for you:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Setting up your Termii account

Time to tell Laravel your deepest secret (aka your Termii API Key). Also, add your favorite channel and an optional Sender ID. Whisper these to your config/services.php:

// config/services.php
'termii' => [
'api_key' => env('TERMII_API_KEY'),
'from' => env('TERMII_FROM'),
'channel' => 'dnd' //because I know you love 'do not disturb' mode 😉


The next step is as easy as pie. Simply use the channel in your via() method inside the notification:

use Infinitypaul\Termii\TermiiChannel;
use Infinitypaul\Termii\TermiiMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class WelcomeSMS extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [TermiiChannel::class]; // see? pie!

    public function toTermii($notifiable)
        return (new TermiiMessage())
            ->content("Thanks For Subscribing to We promise to only send interesting stuff, no cat videos... well, maybe just one.");

Let's tell your Notification where it's heading(which phone are you sending to). Add the routeNotificationForTermii method to your Notifiable model (e.g., your User Model).

public function routeNotificationForTermii()
    return $this->phone; // where `phone` is a field in your users table;

or you can also just send it from TermiiMessage class in your toTermii() implementation.

public function toTermii($notifiable)
        return (new TermiiMessage())
            ->content("Thanks For Subscribing to We promise to only send interesting stuff, no cat videos... well, maybe just one.")

Available Message methods


  • from(''): Accepts a string -Represents a sender ID for sms which can be Alphanumeric or Device name for Whatsapp.
    Alphanumeric sender ID length should be between 3 and 11 characters (Example:CompanyName).
  • to(''): Accepts a string - Represents a destination ID for sms in international format (Example: 2338013828492).
    It is optional, and can be set in the notifable model routeNotificationForTermii().
  • content(''): Accepts a string - Text of a message that would be sent to the destination phone number.
  • channel(''): Accepts a string This is the route through which the message is sent. It is either dnd, whatsapp,
    or generic, by default it is dnd.
  • media(''): Accepts an array, if your channel is whatsapp This is a media object, it is only available for the High
    Volume WhatsApp. When using the media parameter, ensure you are not using the sms parameter.
  • media_url(''): Accepts a string, if your channel is whatsapp The url to the file resource,.
  • media_option(''): Accepts a string, if your channel is whatsapp The caption that should be added to the image,.


Curious about our termii journey? Check out CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


composer test //(We promise it won't explode.)


Discovered any security issues? Please email us at [email protected]. We promise to take it seriously, instead of using the issue tracker..



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.