
🔏 Artisan command to audit the security of your users' passwords

LGPL-3.0 License


🔏 Laravel Password Security Audit

This package provides an Artisan command to audit the security of your users' passwords.

Laravel Password Security Audit works by executing a long running process that checks your users passwords against a list of over 10k commonly used weak passwords. When complete, it outputs a report of those users that are affected and the passwords that were found.


To install Laravel Password Security Audit, just run the following command from the root of your project.

composer require divineomega/laravel-password-security-audit


In a standard Laravel installation using the default \App\User model, you can just run the security:password-audit Artisan command.

php artisan security:password-audit

While running a progress bar will be displayed indicating which user is being checked, and an estimate of how long the process will take to complete.

The speed of this process will take is dependent on the number of users your project has and your server's CPU performance. Multiple CPU cores will be taken advantage of if available.

User 1   3.6%   33/560168   ETC: 4h 39m   Elapsed: 6s   ▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

When complete, you will be presented with a table of users with weak passwords. For each user, this will include the user's primary key (usually the id field), the password found and its associated hash.

6 user password(s) were found to be weak.
| Key (id) | Password | Hash                                                         |
| 1        | password | $2y$10$v6LjwoJOqumnO2A1VmscD.Tnot0D2koOzpGsmVfZaiWM6zprRpwWi |
| 2        | secret   | $2y$10$em9DONupJiDO1LMnR2PZZeoTOEyNutx4mGscQiKXWCBr09INUAjj6 |
| 14       | admin    | $2y$10$Kc.6/37NfY.D.JlSFxhyKexUQoo8dDng37MQDl.jSTtwclt7/ypJO |
| 43       | test123  | $2y$10$Nli8PgRNgTEZE1D1XuiBwOVdxRJJfkVvnWf7N2.Ko93av1ykC4DJO |
| 54       | secret   | $2y$10$eq6kcNOFC4bYNBDPHOTtC.EAvrQU3IK1kM5/QpwN3FK7HnxPOjR5e |
| 68       | secret   | $2y$10$Fvl47D2y0uDEr.6waoXzpeyB2k/.nz1SBlygWP12g8TbMEMxp1E4S |

Custom user model

If you've moved the User model, or want to check a different model, you can use the --user-model option. See the following example.

php artisan security:password-audit --user-model=\\App\\Models\\User

Custom password field

If the passwords you wish to check are stored in a different field, you can change this using the --password-field option. See the example below.

php artisan security:password-audit --password-field=new_password