
Laravel 5 Selenium Testing

MIT License


Laravel Selenium Driver for Laravel 5 and PHPUnit

This package is designed around much of what the integrated package from Jeffery Way. It emulates much of the API from Laravel's existing testing packages for PHP Unit.

Set Up / Install

  1. Download the latest version of selenium 2 from here:
  2. If you are going to be using firefox as your browser, running the selenium server is all you need.
  3. After you have downloaded those 2 things, install the package via composer

Configuration and setting up your first test

  • This package uses a selenium .env file for certain settings. You can create this file based on the sample below

Sample .env.seleniumConfig

# Application environment

# Which browser you'd like to use

# The base url for the application on your local machine

# Whether or not you'd like to boot up a laravel application during your testing
#   this is so you can use things like "seeInDatabase"

#If you booted laravel, set this to 1 if you'd like your database connection to be auto migrated

#If you booted laravel, set this to 1 if you'd like your database connection to be auto seeded

#OPTIONAL:  You can optionally set the window's witdth and height with these values.  Be sure that they are integers
  • This configuration file is used in consort with the phpunit.xml file.
    • For example, to connect to the database through phpunit and working with laravel, you will need to set your database configuration information there.
    • Or make sure the database configuration setup in your normal .env file.
    • e.g. For when using homestead, this is what I would put in your phpunit.xml file
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <phpunit backupGlobals="false"
           <testsuite name="Application Test Suite">
               <directory suffix=".php">app/</directory>
           <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
           <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>
           <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>
           <env name="QUEUE_DRIVER" value="sync"/>
           <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="mysql"/>
           <env name="DB_HOST" value=""/>
           <env name="DB_DATABASE" value="yourDatabase" />
           <env name="DB_USERNAME" value="homestead" />
           <env name="DB_PASSWORD" value="secret" />
  • If you are using Laravel Valet, Your database should be local to your host, and so phpunit should be able to connect to it via the normal .env file
  • Once you have the configuration set up, please see examples to further understand how to set up your tests.

Writing tests

  • Additional documentation is forthcoming, but I wanted to note that it is important to remember that selenium will be running a live session inside of your browser on the application.
    • Because of this, your phpunit session (if using laravel) when running tests will be entirely different than the one running within the browser.
    • Keep this in mind when performing "session" items within your test code and not running it within the web browser

Running Tests

  • The first step before running tests is that you will need to start your selenium server
    • To do that, simply run java -jar /path/to/selenium-server/selenium-server.jar
  • To run your tests, you can run an entire directory or a single class with acceptance tests.
  • e.g.
phpunit tests/acceptance
phpunit tests/acceptance/ExampleTest.php
  • What should occur is that your web browser opens, and runs through the acceptance test


  • Documentation is currently in the works.
  • To see what is in the current API look through the traits directory for function names.

Future features

  • A more fleshed out API
  • Additional helpers for JS widgets like selectize, dropzone, etc.
  • Tests for this package
  • Better documentation