
A complete hr management system developed with the laravel framework.



  1. One To One Chat App for users

  2. Employees

    • Crud Management of employees

    • Well Structured Employee Profile For managing

      1. Personal Information
      2. Emergency Contacts
      3. Educations
      4. Workexperiences and their family members
      5. Assigned Assets.
      6. Raise Issues about asset to notify admin
    • Attendance Curated Tabular view of employees attendance with filters for employee name, month and year of the attendance.

    • Department Management

    • Designation Management

    • Holidays management

  3. Clients Card and Tabular view for Clients. Making management of clients a breeze.

  4. Tickets Crud management of Tickets. Edit Ticket to assign user(employee) to the ticket. so that, they can have conversation with the one who opened the ticket.

    Note: you can't assign admins to ticket. But they can view all tickets and partake in the conversation.

    Also, for now only admins are emailed when new tickets are opened.

  5. Users Crud management of users in the system. Every user you add here will be an admin and they have certain privilages over employees and clients.

  6. Backups Simple panel to manage backups of the application. You can start a backup for the whole application (code + db) or just the database. Ofcourse you can also download or delete backups if you are given the permission.

  7. Settings

    • Company Enter the details of your company here. This details will be used when generating invoices

    • Localization

    • Basic Localization for the application This includes your country, timezone, language, date format , currency and currency code.

    • Invoice Basic settings for your invoice. For now, you can only set the logo and prefix

    • Theme General Theme Settings. Note that, settings done here will affect the whole application.

  8. Assets Crud management of assets. When assets are assigned to an employee and you view their profile, you will see the assets tab. Which will show all the assets assigned to that particular employee

  9. Accounting

    1. Budgets
      • Budget category management

      • Budget Management Add and Management your budgets either for a project or base on a category.

      • Manage Budget Expenses

      • Manage Budget Revenues

  10. Projects Complete Project management with taskboard and task management.

    • CRUD project management
    • Assign Project Lead and a team for the project
    • Detailed View of a project with all the brief description, detailed description and uploaded files.
    • Project Taskboard management
      You can add new tasks to a taskboard or even add a new board to the default taskboards
    • Assign Tasks to an employee through the taskboard.
      Move tasks from one board to the other just by dragging them to the next one.
    • You can also set the default taskboards that will be loaded for every new project
  11. Roles & Permissions Manage user roles and permissions for the whole application here.

    • You can add new Roles, edit the ones that's already there and also update the permissions for each of the roles you choose.
  12. Sales At sales, You will be able to manage your Taxes, Estimates and Invoices.

    • Crud management of taxes
    • Crud management of Estimates. You can also view an estimate in detail. Add new items to it and download it as pdf or print it.
    • Crud management of Invoices
      Just like Estimates, you can create, edit, view, print, download pdf and delete it.
  13. Payroll Generate and manage payslips for employees. Manage payslip allowances and deductions.


Follow these steps below to install the application.

Or Watch the installation process on Youtube

  • Clone the repository using your termina or command prompt

git clone smarthr
cd smarthr

  • Install dependencies

    • Composer
     composer install
    • Npm
     npm install && npm run build
  • Create your database

  • Rename .env.example to .env Or copy and paste at project root directory and rename the file .env .You can also use this command.

cp .env.example .env

  • Generate app key with this command
php artisan key:generate

  • Install Reverb
php artisan reverb:install

  • Set database connection to your database in the .env file. Make sure to set APP_URL to make your domain.

  • Run migrations and seeders
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed; php artisan module:migrate --all --seed

  • Create Symlink
php artisan storage:link

Make sure you give the /storage and /bootstrap/cache folder the permission to read and right

In linux run

sudo chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache
  • Visit your application domain/url in the browser or Start the local server with and follow the link
php artisan serve

Login Credentials

  • Admin
 email: [email protected]
 password: password
  • Employee
 email: [email protected]
 password: password
  • Client
 email: [email protected]
 password: password
  • Star the repository and report any issues/bugs you encounter here in the repository.

In order for the chap app to be working with realtime communication, you'll need to setup Reverb, Run the reverb server php artisan reverb:start and listen for events with php artisan queue:listen

Please note that, this project is under active development so few things might break when you update. You can report any of your issues here

Consider supporting the project if you finds it helpful. Thank you


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