
A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, Hidden UTM parameter tracing, URL expiration, open limits before expiration, ability to set feature activation dates, and click tracking out of the box for your Laravel applications.

MIT License


A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, URL expiration, open limits before expiration, ability to set feature activation dates, and click tracking out of the box for your Laravel applications.


install the package via composer:

composer require yorcreative/laravel-urlshortener

Publish the packages assets.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YorCreative\UrlShortener\UrlShortenerServiceProvider"

Run migrations.

php artisan migrate

Upgrade Guides

Upgrading to v2.x from v1.x


Building Short Urls

* Basic
$url = UrlService::shorten('')
// http(s)://host/prefix/identifier;

* Advanced
$url = UrlService::shorten('')
            'utm_id' => 't123',
            'utm_campaign' => 'campaign_name',
            'utm_source' => 'linkedin',
            'utm_medium' => 'social',      
// http(s)://host/prefix/identifier;

Finding Existing Short Urls

 * Find a Short URL by its identifier 
$shortUrl = UrlService::findByIdentifier('identifier');
// returns instance of ShortUrl Model.

 * Find a Short URL by its hashed signature
$shortUrl = UrlService::findByHash(md5('long_url'));
// returns instance of ShortUrl Model.

 * Find a Short URL by its plain text long url string 
$shortUrl = UrlService::findByPlainText('long_url');
// returns instance of ShortUrl Model. 

 * Find shortUrls by UTM combinations.
 * Note* This method only accepts the following array fields:
 *  - utm_id
 *  - utm_campaign
 *  - utm_source
 *  - utm_medium
 *  - utm_content
 *  - utm_term
$shortUrlCollection = UrlService::findByUtmCombination([
    'utm_campaign' => 'alpha',
    'utm_source' => 'bravo',
    'utm_medium' => 'testing'
// returns an instance of Eloquent Collection of ShortUrl Models.

Getting Click Information

$clicks = ClickService::get()->toArray();

    'results' => [
            'id' => ...,
            'created_at' => ...,
            'short_url' => [
                'id' => ...,
                'identifier' => ...,
                'hashed' => ...,
                'plain_text' => ...,
                'limit' => ...,
                'tracing' => [
                    'id' => ...,
                    'utm_id' => ...,
                    'utm_source' => ...,
                    'utm_medium' => ...,
                    'utm_campaign' => ...,
                    'utm_content' => ...,
                    'utm_term' => ...,
                'created_at' => ...,
                'updated_at' => ...
            'location' => [
                'id' => ...,
                'ip' => ...,
                'countryName' => ...,
                'countryCode' => ...,
                'regionCode' => ...,
                'regionName' => ...,
                'cityName' => ...,
                'zipCode' => ...,
                'isoCode' => ...,
                'postalCode' => ...,
                'latitude' => ...,
                'longitude' => ...,
                'metroCode' => ...,
                'areaCode' => ...,
                'timezone' => ...,
                'created_at' => ...,
                'updated_at' => ...
            'outcome' => [
                'id' => ...,
                'name' => ...,
                'alias' => ...,
    'total' => 1

Getting Click Information and Filtering on Ownership

$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'ownership' =>  [

Filter on Outcome

$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'outcome' => [
        1, // successful_routed
        2, // successful_protected
        3, // failure_password
        4, // failure_expiration
        5  // failure_limit

Filter on the Click's YorShortUrl Status

$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'status' => [
        'expiring' // within 30 minutes of expiring

Filtered on YorShortUrl Identifier(s)

$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'identifier' => [

Filtered Clicks by UTM parameter(s). These Can be filtered together or individually.

$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'utm_id' => [
    'utm_source' => [
    'utm_medium' => [
    'utm_campaign' => [
    'utm_content' => [
    'utm_term' => [

Iterate Through Results With Batches

$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'limit' => 500
    'offset' => 1500

Putting it all Together

 * Get the successfully routed clicks for all active short urls that are owned by Model IDs 1,2,3 and 4.
 * Set the offset of results by 1500 clicks and limit by the results by 500.
$clicks = ClickService::get([
    'ownership' => Model::whereIn('id', [1,2,3,4])->get()->toArray(),
    'outcome' => [
        3 // successful_routed
    'status' => [
    'utm_campaign' => [
    'utm_source' => [
    'limit' => 500
    'offset' => 1500

UTM Support

When creating a Short URL, the following UTM parameters are available to attach to the Short URL for advanced tracking of your Short Urls.

  • utm_id
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_source
  • utm_medium
  • utm_content
  • utm_term

UTM information is hidden in the Short URL identifier and clicks are filterable by UTM parameters.


composer test
