
A Wikipedia Package for Laravel 5

MIT License



Laravel Package to work with Wikipedia. Very easy to use. Offers the use of Facades and Dependency Injection


PHP 5.5+ or HHVM 3.3+, and Composer are required.

First, pull in the package through Composer.

$ composer require unicodeveloper/laravel-wikipedia

Another alternative is to simply add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file.

"unicodeveloper/laravel-wikipedia": "1.0.*"

Then run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

And then include these service providers within config/app.php

'providers' => [

This package also comes with a Facade

'aliases' => [
    'WikiRand' => Unicodeveloper\Larapedia\WikiRandFacade::class,

Run the following command, it creates a config/wikirand.php in your laravel app. You can modify the configuration

    php artisan vendor:publish


Use it like so:

For those that love Facades immensely, I have provided the cake for you 😄 like so:

{{ WikiRand::getFirstSentence() }}  // returns 5321 Jagras è un asteroide della fascia principale.

{{ WikiRand::getApiLanguage() }} // returns it

{{ WikiRand::getId() }} // returns 812464

{{ WikiRand::getTitle() }} // returns 5321 Jagras

{{ WikiRand::getLink() }} // returns

{{ WikiRand::getNChar(25) }} // 5321 Jagras è un asteroide...

{{ WikiRand::getCategoriesRelated() }}
// returns
array(3) {
      [0]=> string(42) "Asteroidi della fascia principale centrale"
      [1]=> string(31) "Corpi celesti scoperti nel 1985"
      [2]=> string(16) "Stub - asteroidi"

{{ WikiRand::getOtherLangLinks() }}
// returns
      { [0]=> array(3)
        { ["lang"]=> string(2) "en"
          ["url"]=> string(40) ""
          ["*"]=> string(11) "5321 Jagras" }
        [1]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "eo"
          ["url"]=> string(41) ""
          ["*"]=> string(12) "5321 Jagraso" }
        [2]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "fa"
          ["url"]=> string(84) ""               ["*"]=> string(19) "سیا" }
        [3]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "hu"
          ["url"]=> string(40) ""
          ["*"]=> string(11) "5321 Jagras" }
        [4]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "hy"
          ["url"]=> string(72) ""
          ["*"]=> string(19) "(5321) Ջագրաս" }
        [5]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "la"
          ["url"]=> string(40) ""
          ["*"]=> string(11) "5321 Jagras" }
        [6]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "oc"
          ["url"]=> string(40) ""
          ["*"]=> string(11) "5321 Jagras" }
        [7]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "pl"
          ["url"]=> string(42) ""
          ["*"]=> string(13) "(5321) Jagras" }
        [8]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "pt"
          ["url"]=> string(40) ""
          ["*"]=> string(11) "5321 Jagras" }
        [9]=> array(3) {
          ["lang"]=> string(2) "uk"
          ["url"]=> string(64) ""
          ["*"]=> string(15) "5321 Яґрас"

{{ WikiRand::getPlainTextArticle() }}
// returns
5321 Jagras è un asteroide della fascia principale. Scoperto nel 1985, presenta un'orbita caratterizzata da un semiasse maggiore pari a 2,5810209 UA e da un'eccentricità di 0,2213576, inclinata di 13,58746° rispetto all'eclittica. Collegamenti esterni (EN) Jagras - Dati riportati nel database dell'IAU Minor Planet Center (EN) Jagras - Dati riportati nel Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Small-Body Database

{{ WikiRand::getArticleImages() }}
// returns
array(2) {
      [0]=> string(63) ""
      [1]=> string(76) ""

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


You can run the tests with:

vendor/bin/phpunit run

Alternatively, you can run the tests like so:

composer test



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

How can I thank you?

Why not star the github repo? I'd love the attention! Why not share the link for this repository on Twitter or HackerNews? Spread the word!

Don't forget to follow me on twitter!

Thanks! Prosper Otemuyiwa.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.

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