
Boilerplate template for Laravel 5 packages

MIT License


Boilerplate Laravel 5 Package


Clone this repo with minimal history:

git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:cviebrock/laravel5-package-template.git

Rename the directory and re-init it as your own package:

mv laravel5-package-template my-package
cd my-package
rm -rf .git
git init


The boilerplate files provide a scaffold for building your own package. You'll need to make a bunch of changes to the files we've provided to make it your own.


Edit composer.json to reflect your package information. At a minimum, you will need to change the package name and autoload lines so that "vendor/package" reflects your new package's name and namespace.

    "name": "vendor/package",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Vendor\\Package\\": "src/"


Rename config/packagename.php to something more useful, like config/my-package.php. This is the configuration file that Laravel will publish into it's config directory. Laravel 5 doesn't use the config/packages/vendor/... structure that Laravel 4 did, so pick a file name that's not likely to conflict with existing configuration files.


Open up src/ServiceProvider.php as well. At a minimum you'll need to change the namespace at the top of the file (it needs to match the PSR-4 namespace you set in composer.json).

In the boot() method, comment out or uncomment the components your package will need. For example, if your package only has a configuration, then you can comment out everything except the handleConfigs() call:

public function boot() {
    // $this->handleMigrations();
    // $this->handleViews();
    // $this->handleTranslations();
    // $this->handleRoutes();

In the handleConfigs() method, you'll want to change the "packagename" references to the name you chose up above (in the [config/packagename.php] instructions).

For the other methods, again change instances of "vendor" and "packagename" to your package's name.

Last Steps

Update the LICENSE file as required (make sure it matches what you said your package's license is in composer.json).

Finally, edit this file and replace it with a description of your own, awesome Laravel 5 package.

Commit everything to your (newly initialized) git repo, and push it wherever you'll keep your package (Github, etc.).

Enjoy coding!