
Provides integration between LiipImagineBundle and JMSSerializerBundle

MIT License


Symfony LiipImagineSerialization Bundle


Provides integration between LiipImagineBundle and JMSSerializerBundle. Allows to generate full or relative URIs to entity fields mapped with @Bukashk0zzz and @JMS annotations during the serialization. Also bundle supports VichUploaderBundle field type.

Installation Symfony Flex

composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer require bukashk0zzz/liip-imagine-serialization-bundle

Installation without Symfony Flex

composer require bukashk0zzz/liip-imagine-serialization-bundle

Add the bundle to app/AppKernel.php

$bundles = array(
	// ... other bundles
	new Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializationBundle\Bukashk0zzzLiipImagineSerializationBundle(),


Add this to your config.yml:

    # Set true for generating url for vichUploader fields
    vichUploaderSerialize: false
    # Set true for generating url with host for vichUploader fields
    includeHost: false
    # Set true for adding original field value to object
    includeOriginal: false
    # Set true for adding host url to original value for vichUploader fields
    includeHostForOriginal: false
    # You can pass there your UrlNormalizer class that implements UrlNormalizerInterface
    originUrlNormalizer: null
    # You can pass there your UrlNormalizer class that implements UrlNormalizerInterface
    filteredUrlNormalizer: null


Add the next class to the use section of your entity class.

use Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializationBundle\Annotation as Bukashk0zzz;

Bundle provides two annotations which allow the serialization of url or @Vich\UploadableField fields in your entities. At first you have to add @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableClass to the entity class which has image fields. Then you have to add @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField annotation to the field you want to serialize.

Annotation @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableClass does not have any option. Annotation @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField has one required option filter which value should link to the LiipImagine filter.

It can be set like this @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField("photoFile") or @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField(filter="photoFile"). filter can be array of filters in this case serialized field will be also array. For example if you add annotation @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField(filter={"big", "small"}) for field image then you get:

  "image": {
             "big": "/uploads/users/big/5659828fa80a7.jpg",
             "small": "/uploads/users/small/5659828fa80a7.jpg"

Also there is another two options:

  • vichUploaderField - If you use VichUploaderBundle for your uploads you must specify link to the field with @Vich\UploadableField annotation
  • virtualField - By default serializer will override field value with link to filtered image. If you add virtualField option serializer will add to serialized object new field with name that you provided in this option and url to filtered image, original field in this case will be unattached. This option are required if you're using an array of filters.

Don't forget that to serialize image fields they also should be marked with @JMS annotations to be serialized.

The generated URI by default:

  "photo": "",
  "cover": ""

The generated URI with includeHost set to false:

  "photo": "/uploads/users/photos/5659828fa80a7.jpg",
  "cover": "/uploads/users/covers/456428fa8g4a8.jpg"

If you need to change url before passing it to LiipImagine, for example you need to swap origin name, you can use originUrlNormalizer option in bundle config.

    originUrlNormalizer: AppBundle\Normalizer\UrlNormalizer

If you need to change url after LiipImagine processing, for example you need to swap origin domain, you can use filteredUrlNormalizer option in bundle config.

    filteredUrlNormalizer: AppBundle\Normalizer\UrlNormalizer

UrlNormalizer class must implement UrlNormalizerInterface


namespace AppBundle\Normalizer;

use Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializationBundle\Normalizer\UrlNormalizerInterface;

 * Url normalizer
class UrlNormalizer implements UrlNormalizerInterface
    * {@inheritdoc} 
    public function normalize($url){
        return str_replace('photo.jpg', 'my_photo.jpg', $url);


There are two events:

  • bukashk0zzz_liip_imagine.event_pre_origin_normalize // Dispatch before origin url normalization
  • bukashk0zzz_liip_imagine.event_pre_filtered_normalize // Dispatch before filtered url normalization

Example subscriber:

        class: AppBundle\Subscribers\LiipImagineSerializationEventSubscriber
            - { name: bukashk0zzz_liip_imagine_subscriber }

namespace AppBundle\Subscribers;

use Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializationBundle\Event\UrlNormalizerEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

 * LiipImagineSerializationEventSubscriber
class LiipImagineSerializationEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
     * @return array
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            UrlNormalizerEvent::ORIGIN => [
                ['normalizeOrigin', 10],
            UrlNormalizerEvent::FILTERED => [
                ['normalizeFiltered', 10],

     * @param UrlNormalizerEvent $event
    public function normalizeOrigin(UrlNormalizerEvent $event)
        $event->setUrl(str_replace('photo', 'newPhoto', $event->getUrl()));

     * @param UrlNormalizerEvent $event
    public function normalizeFiltered(UrlNormalizerEvent $event)
        $event->setUrl(str_replace('', '', $event->getUrl()));



namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as JMS;
use Vich\UploaderBundle\Mapping\Annotation as Vich;
use Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializationBundle\Annotation as Bukashk0zzz;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File;

 * User Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="users")
 * @ORM\Entity()
 * @Vich\Uploadable
 * @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableClass
class User
     * @var string $coverUrl Cover url
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     * @JMS\Expose
     * @JMS\SerializedName("cover")
     * @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField("thumb_filter")
    public $coverUrl; 
     * @var string $photoName Photo name
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     * @JMS\Expose
     * @JMS\SerializedName("photo")
     * @Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField("thumb_filter", vichUploaderField="photoFile")
    public $photoName;

     * @var File $photoFile Photo file
     * @JMS\Exclude
     * @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="user_photo_mapping", fileNameProperty="photoName")
    public $photoFile;

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