
MIT License




You must buy :

  • RaspBerry PI 3
  • Micro Teleinfo V2.0 USB link

You must install a Rasp Debian 11 Bullseye, with the following packages :

  • picocom
  • apache2
  • php (cli and apache-mod)
  • all classical php extensions

Your RaspBerry must be connected to your network (using wifi or cable), and accessible with ssh.

How to

How to test :

  • Connect the Teleinfo USB to your raspberry
  • Connect your linky to the Teleinfo (using a phone or a network cable for example)
  • the user www-data must be in the group dialout to have read permissions on /dev/ttyUSB0
  • launch the following command:
sudo -u www-data picocom -b 1200 -d 7 -p e -f n /dev/ttyUSB0

Normally it will display Linky direct information.

to exit : CTRL + A then CTRL + X

Then you can install this project in /var/www/linky-reader.

Finally, you can test the php script:

sudo -u www-data /var/www/linky-reader/website/bin/console app:linky:read

You can check the Full install procedure for more details.
