
Improved routing, middleware support, authentication tools and more for CodeIgniter 3 framework

MIT License


Luthier CI is an awesome set of core improvements for CodeIgniter 3 that makes the development of APIs (and websites in general) more easy!


  • Easy installation via hooks
  • Laravel-like routing: prefixes, namespaces, anonymous functions as routes, route groups, CLI routes, named parameters, optional parameters, etc.
  • Middleware support
  • Authentication library with SimpleAuth template
  • PHP Debug Bar integration (experimental)


  • PHP >= 5.6.0 (PHP 7 compatible)
  • CodeIgniter >= 3.0


Step 1: Get Luthier CI with Composer

composer require luthier/luthier

Step 2: Enable Hooks and Composer autoload

# application/config/config.php

$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
$config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE;

Step 3: Connect Luthier CI with CodeIgniter

Set the hooks:

# application/config/hooks.php

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

// (...)

$hook = Luthier\Hook::getHooks();

Set the Luthier CI routes:

# application/config/routes.php

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

// (...)

$route = Luthier\Route::getRoutes();


The first time that Luthier CI runs, several files and folders are created:

  • routes/web.php: Default HTTP-Based routes
  • routes/api.php: AJAX routes
  • routes/cli.php: CLI routes
  • controllers/Luthier.php: Fake controller, necessary to use some routes
  • middleware: Middleware folder

Important: Make sure that your application folder has write permission!


To add routes, use the static methods of the Route class:

# application/routes/web.php

// This points to 'baz' method of 'bar' controller at '/foo' path under a GET request:
Route::get('foo', 'bar@baz');

// To add a route parameter, enclose with curly brackets {}
Route::get('blog/{slug}', 'blog@post');

// To make a parameter optional, add a ? just before closing the curly brackets
// (Luthier CI will make all the fallback routes for you)
Route::get('categories/{primary?}/{secondary?}/{filter?}', 'clients@list');

// The (:any) and (:num) CodeIgniter route placeholders are available to use, with this syntax:
Route::get('cars/{num:id}/{any:registration}', 'CarCatalog@index');

// Custom regex? it's possible with this syntax:
Route::post('main/{((es|en)):_locale}/about', 'about@index');

Use the Route::cli() method to add command line routes. All CLI routes must be inside routes/cli.php file. This is an example of a CLI route:


The ci() function returns the framework instance, acting as a virtual controller. This is useful if you use callbacks as routes:

Route::get('foo', function(){

You can assign names to your routes so you don't have to worry about future url changes:

Route::get('company/about_us', 'testcontroller@index')->name('about_us');

To retrieve a named route, use the route() function:

<a href="<?= route('about_us');?>">My link!</a>
// <a href="">Link</a>

If the route has parameters, pass a second argument to the function with an array of their values:

<?= route('route_name', ['param1' => 'value2', 'param2' => 'value2' ... ]); ?>

Route Groups

Group routes is possible with the Route::group() method. All routes inside the group will share the prefix (first argument) and, optionally, another property (namespace, middleware, etc.)

// Prefix only
Route::group('prefix', function(){

// Prefix and shared properties
Route::group('prefix', ['namespace' => 'foo', 'middleware' => ['Admin','IPFilter']], function(){


All the middleware must be defined in the routes files (application/routes/web.php, application/routes/api.php, application/routes/cli.php)

# Route middleware:
Route::put('foo/bar','controller@method', ['middleware' => ['Test']]);

# Route group middleware:
Route::group('site', ['middleware' => ['Admin']], function(){
    // ...

# Global middleware:
Route::middleware('Admin', 'pre_controller');

The middleware files must be saved in the application/middleware folder. If not exists, you must create it first. A middleware file is any php class that implements the Luthier\MiddlewareInterface interface and with a public run() method, which is the entry point. It's strongly advised to name all your middleware with CamelCase and avoid name conflicts with your controllers.

This is an example of a middleware:

# application/middleware/TestMiddleware.php

class TestMiddleware
    public function run()
        // (Entry point)


Visit the project official website (disponible en español)