
🐘 PHP library to query Minecraft servers

MIT License


Minecraft Status

MinecraftStatus library allows you to communicate with minecraft servers using the most popular protocols.


This library can be installed by issuing the following command:

composer require dev-lancer/minecraft-status

Differences between Ping and Query


Ping uses the TCP protocol to communicate with the Minecraft server in the java edition and bedrock edition, it uses the port on which the server is running. Ping provides the most necessary information (hostname, motd, favicon, and a sample of players). Thanks to its simplicity, it does not require any configuration on the server side, communication works with servers from version 1.7 and above.

To communicate with a server which has a version lower than 1.7, use the PingPreOld17 class


Query uses GameSpy 4 protocol for communication, so you should start listening in the server properties. Query allows you to request more information about the server, but has more security vulnerabilities.



Example: Query

This method uses GameSpy4 protocol, and requires enabling query listener in your server.properties like this:

enable-query=true query.port=25565

use \DevLancer\MinecraftStatus\Query;

require_once ("vendor/autoload.php");

$host = ""; //Address server minecraft
$port = 25565; //from query.port
$timeout = 3;
$resolveSVR = true;

$query = new Query($host, $port, $timeout, $resolveSVR);


Example: Bedrock

Use this class for bedrock edition servers

In QueryBedrock you do not need to set anything in the properties of the server, the port on which the server runs is used to communicate with the server

use \DevLancer\MinecraftStatus\QueryBedrock;

require_once ("vendor/autoload.php");

$host = ""; //Address server minecraft
$port = 19132;
$timeout = 3;
$resolveSVR = true;

$query = new QueryBedrock($host, $port, $timeout, $resolveSVR);

Ping and PingPreOld17

Example: Ping

use \DevLancer\MinecraftStatus\Ping;
use \DevLancer\MinecraftStatus\PingPreOld17;

require_once ("vendor/autoload.php");

$host = ""; //Address server minecraft
$port = 25565;
$timeout = 3;
$resolveSVR = true;

$ping = new Ping($host, $port, $timeout, $resolveSVR);
//$ping = new PingPreOld17($host, $port, $timeout, $resolveSVR); //use when version is older than Minecraft 1.7

If you want to get ping info from a server that uses a version older than Minecraft 1.7, then use class PingPreOld17 instead of Ping.


List of methods

Query QueryBedrock Ping PingPreOld17
connect() X X X X
isConnected() X X X X
disconnect() X X X X
getPlayers() X X
getCountPlayers() X X X X
getMaxPlayers() X X X X
getInfo() X X X X
getFavicon() X
getDelay() X
setTimeout() X X X X
getTimeout() X X X X
setEncoding() X X X X
getEncoding() X X X X
isResolveSRV() X X X X
getHost() X X X X
getPort() X X X X
getMotd() X X X X
getProtocol() X X X

Use before connecting

Sets the timeout for the connection

setTimeout(int $timeout): void

Sets the character encoding for the returned values using the getInfo() and getPlayers() methods

setEncoding(string $encoding): void

Connects to the server. There may be a ConnectionException which means that the connection to the server has failed or a ReceiveStatusException when the connection to the server has succeeded, but the communication has not been successful. When the method is used again, it disconnects from the server and establishes a new connection

connect(): self

Use when you are connected

Disconnects the connection to the server

disconnect(): void

Using the following methods when not connected to the server will throw a NotConnectedException exception, in case you have successfully connected to the server but the communication does not work then they will return a default value of empty

It returns a full array with the information it was able to obtain.

getInfo(): array

Returns arrays of users

getPlayers(): array

Returns the number of online players

getCountPlayers(): int

Returns the number of server slots

getMaxPlayers(): int

Returns the favicon as a string

getFavicon(): string

Returns the connection delay [ms]

getDelay(): int

Returns a motd of the server

getMotd(): string

Returns the server protocol number

getProtocol(): int

Use independently of the connection

Returns the server host

getHost(): string

Returns a port

getPort(): int

Returns the character encoding used to encode the values in the getInfo() and getPlayers() methods.

getEncoding(): string

Returns a timeout.

getTimeout(): int

Returns true when a successful connection to the server is made regardless of whether a ReceiveStatusException exception is thrown.

isConnected(): bool

Returns true when an attempt to resolve the SRV occurs on a connection, regardless of the result.

isResolveSRV(): bool

SRV DNS record

The library allows automatic resolution of SRV records, by default the service is enabled, to disable it you must specify false in the fourth parameter of the constructor
