
Symfony 5 /6 bundle to support multi-tenants

MIT License


Symfony Multi-Tenancy Bundle

The Multi Tenancy Bundle for Symfony is a convenient solution for incorporating multi-tenant databases in your Symfony application. It simplifies the process of using Doctrine to handle multiple databases with a single entity manager, allowing you to switch between them during runtime.

This bundle comes with a range of features, including the ability to effortlessly switch between tenant databases by triggering an event. Additionally, it supports distinct entity mapping for both the main and tenant entities. It also includes custom extended Doctrine commands for managing tenant databases independently, as well as the capability to generate and execute migrations for each database separately.

In the near future, you will also be able to execute bulk migrations for all tenant databases with a single command. Additionally, the bundle allows you to create and prepare a tenant database if it doesn't already exist

Supported Databases:

  • MySQL / MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite


This bundle requires

Install using Composer

$ composer require hakam/multi-tenancy-bundle

Using the Bundle

The idea behind this bundle is simple,You have a main database and multi-tenant databases So:
  1. Create specific entity witch should implement TenantDbConfigurationInterface. In your main database to save all tenant databases configurations.
  2. You can use the TenantDbConfigTrait to implement the full required db config entity fields .
  3. You can use the TimestampableTrait to add createdAt and updatedAt fields to your entity then you should add #[ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks] attribute to your entity class.
  4. Split your entities in two directories, one for the main database and one for the tenant databases.
    For example Main and Tenant .
  5. Split the migrations in two directories, one for the main database and one for the tenant databases.
    For example Main and Tenant .
  6. Update your doctrine config to use the new directories for entities and migrations.See the example below.
# config/packages/doctrine.yaml
    default_connection: default
    url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
      default_entity_manager: default #set the default entity manager to use the main database 
            connection: default #set the default entity manager  to use the default connection
            naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware
            auto_mapping: true
                is_bundle: false
                dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/Main'
                prefix: 'App\Entity\Main'
                alias: App
# config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml
        'DoctrineMigrations\Main': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations/Main'

You MUST config the default connection and the default entity manager to use the main database. see the example above, for the complete configuration

You just need to update the config for the main EntityManager , Then the bundle will handle the rest for you.

  1. Add the TenantEntityManager to your service or controller arguments.

  2. Dispatch SwitchDbEvent with a custom value for your tenant db Identifier. Example new SwitchDbEvent(1)

  3. You can switch between all tenants dbs just by dispatch the same event with different db identifier.

  4. Now your instance from TenantEntityManager is connected to the tenant db with Identifier = 1.

  5. It's recommended having your tenant entities in a different directory from your Main entities.

  6. You can execute doctrine migration commands using our proxy commands for tenant database.

    php bin/console tenant:database:create   # t:d:c  for short , To create non existing tenant dbs list 
    php bin/console tenant:migration:diff    # t:m:d  for short , To generate migraiton for tenant db 
    php bin/console tenant:migration:migrate init  # t:m:m init , To run migraitons for  new tenant dbs up to the latest version.
    php bin/console tenant:migration:migrate update  # t:m:m update , To run migrations for  all tenant db to the latest version.


You can check this project example Multi-Tenant Bundle Example to see how to use the bundle.


All the doctrine migration commands and files are generated and executed especially for tenant databases independent of the main db migrations, Thanks for Doctrine migration bundle v3+ .

All the tenant databases migrations will be saved in the same directory you configured for tenant entities.

  Update:  Now you can have different host, username and password for tenant dbs.
  Update:  All tenant databases share the same `dbusername` and `dbpassword` from the selected tenant host.
  Update:  Now you can have different driver for tenant dbs and main db.

Get Started Example

  1. After configure the bundle as we mentioned above , you can use the following steps to get started.
  2. You need to generate the main database migration with the new entity first.
    example php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
  3. Then migrate the main database.
    example php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  4. Now you are ready to create new tenant databases and switch between them.
  5. To create a new tenant database and execute the migration for it. Add the TenantDbConfig entity to your main database. then you can use the following command.
    example php bin/console tenant:database:create this command will create a new tenant database and execute the migration for it.
  6. To switch to a tenant database.
    example $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new SwitchDbEvent($tenantDb->getId())); then you can use the TenantEntityManager to execute your queries.
  7. You can add a relation between your tenant entity and the TenantDbConfig entity to get the tenant db config easily.
      public Class AppController extends AbstractController
        public function __construct(
        private EntityManagerInterface $mainEntityManager,
        private TenantEntityManager $tenantEntityManager,
        private EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher
    ) {
      public function switchToLoggedInUserTenantDb(): void
        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new SwitchDbEvent($this->getUser()->getTenantDbConfig()->getId()));
        // Now you can use the tenant entity manager to execute your queries.
  1. You can use the custom doctrine commands for tenant databases to perform the same doctrine commands on tenant databases.
    example php bin/console tenant:migration:diff to generate migration for tenant db.
    example php bin/console tenant:migration:migrate update to execute migration for all tenant db to the latest version.
  2. Now You can work with the TenantEntityManager as you work with the main entity manager.
  3. You can now add or delete entities from the main or tenant databases and generate migrations for each database separately.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Entity\Main\TenantDbConfig;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Services\DbService;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Event\SwitchDbEvent;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Doctrine\ORM\TenantEntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use App\Entity\Tenant\TestEntity;
use App\Entity\Main\MainEntity;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class MultiTenantController extends AbstractController
    public function __construct(
        private EntityManagerInterface $mainEntityManager,
        private TenantEntityManager $tenantEntityManager,
        private EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher,
        private DbService $dbService,
    ) {
     * An example of how to switch and update tenant databases
    #[Route('/test_db', name: 'app_test_db')]
    public function testDb(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)

        $tenantDbConfigs = $this->mainEntityManager->getRepository(TenantDbConfig::class)->findAll();

        foreach ($tenantDbConfigs as $tenantDbConfig) {
            // Dispatch an event with the index ID for the entity that contains the tenant database connection details.
            $switchEvent = new SwitchDbEvent($tenantDbConfig->getId());

            $tenantEntity1 = new TestEntity();


        // Add a new entity to the main database.
        $mainLog = new MainEntity();

        return new JsonResponse();


In this example below you can find the list of all configuration parameters required witch you should create in config/packages/hakam_multi_tenancy.yaml with this configuration:

 tenant_database_className:  App\Entity\Main\TenantDbConfig    # tenant dbs configuration Class Name
 tenant_database_identifier: id                                # tenant db column name to get db configuration
 tenant_connection:                                            # tenant entity manager connection configuration
   port:     3306                                              # default is 3306
   driver:   pdo_mysql 
   charset:  utf8 
   server_version: 5.7                                         # mysql server version

 tenant_migration:                                             # tenant db migration configurations, Its recommended to have a different migration for tenants dbs than you main migration config
   tenant_migration_namespace: Application\Migrations\Tenant
   tenant_migration_path: migrations/Tenant
 tenant_entity_manager:                                        # tenant entity manger configuration , which is used to manage tenant entities
   tenant_naming_strategy:                                       # tenant entity manager naming strategy
       dql:                                             # tenant entity manager dql configuration
           test_string: App\DQL\StringFunction
           second_string: App\DQL\SecondStringFunction
           test_numeric: App\DQL\NumericFunction
           test_datetime: App\DQL\DatetimeFunction
     type:   attribute                                          # mapping type default annotation                                                       
     dir:   '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/Tenant'           # directory of tenant entities, it could be different from main directory                                           
     prefix: App\Entity\Tenant                                 # tenant entities prefix  ex "App\Entity\Tenant"
     alias:   Tenant                                           # tenant entities alias  ex "Tenant"

Suggested Patterns For Use


Store the users current tenant ID in the session or the User entity. This allows you to get the current tenant at any time.

Tenant Interface

Implement an interface on all your tenant entities. This allows you to identify if an entity is associated with a tenant object. Then you can get the current tenant ID from the current user, and switch the entity manager to the tenant DB.

namespace App\Entity\Tenant;

use App\Model\OrgActivitySuperclass;
use App\Repository\Tenant\OrgActivityRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\TenantEntityInterface;

#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: OrgActivityRepository::class)]
class OrgActivity extends OrgActivitySuperclass implements TenantEntityInterface
    private ?int $id = null;

Custom Controller

Extend your base controller class to overwrite some of the normal controller functions for persistence.


namespace App\Controller;

use App\Entity\Main\Tenant;
use App\Entity\Tenant\Organisation;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Doctrine\ORM\TenantEntityManager;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Event\SwitchDbEvent;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\TenantEntityInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security;
use Umbrella\CoreBundle\Controller\BaseController;

abstract class DbSwitcherController extends BaseController
    public function __construct(private EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, private TenantEntityManager $tenantEntityManager)
    protected function switchDb(Tenant $tenant): Organisation

        // Switch the TenantEntityManager to the current tenant.
        $event = new SwitchDbEvent($tenant->getId());

        // Optional depending on your usage, here we return the top entity whenever we switch to a new Tenant DB.
        $organisation = $this->tenantEntityManager->getRepository(Organisation::class)

        return $organisation;

     * Override parent method to check if the entity is a Tenant entity or main entity. Return which ever is appropriate.
    protected function findOrNotFound(string $className, $id)

        $em = $this->em();

        $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($className);

        if ($reflection instanceof TenantEntityInterface) {
            $em = $this->tenantEntityManager;

        $e = $em->find($className, $id);

        return $e;

     * Override parent method to check if the entity is a Tenant entity or main entity. Return which ever is appropriate.
    protected function persistAndFlush($entity): void
        if ($entity instanceof TenantEntityInterface) {

     * Override parent method to check if the entity is a Tenant entity or main entity. Return which ever is appropriate.
    protected function removeAndFlush($entity): void
        if ($entity instanceof TenantEntityInterface) {

Custom Value Resolver

Symfony uses an Entity Value Resolver to load entities associated with parameters passed to controller actions.

This resolver is essential to making sure your IsGranted and other Security actions work in the controllers.

Create a custom entity value resolver to switch based on a ReflectionClass of the entity (based on the TenantEntityInterface).

You can copy the value resolver here:

And modify it to exclude non TenantEntityInterface objects. Then switch DB based on the current user tenant.


namespace App\ValueResolver;

namespace App\ValueResolver;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\ConversionException;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Doctrine\ORM\TenantEntityManager;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Event\SwitchDbEvent;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\TenantEntityInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Attribute\MapEntity;
use Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ValueResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;

class TenantEntityValueResolver implements ValueResolverInterface
    public function __construct(
        private ManagerRegistry $registry,
        private Security $security,
        private EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
        private TenantEntityManager $tenantEntityManager,
        private MapEntity $defaults = new MapEntity(),
        private ?ExpressionLanguage $expressionLanguage = null,
    ) {

    public function resolve(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): array
        if (\is_object($request->attributes->get($argument->getName()))) {
            return [];

        $options = $argument->getAttributes(MapEntity::class, ArgumentMetadata::IS_INSTANCEOF);
        $options = ($options[0] ?? $this->defaults)->withDefaults($this->defaults, $argument->getType());

        if (!$options->class || $options->disabled) {
            return [];

        $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($options->class);

        if(!$reflectionClass instanceof TenantEntityInterface){
            return [];

        $currentTenant = $this->security->getUser()->getCurrentTenant();

        $switchEvent = new SwitchDbEvent($currentTenant->getId());

        $manager = $this->tenantEntityManager;

        if (!$manager instanceof TenantEntityManager) {
            return [];

        $message = '';
        if (null !== $options->expr) {
            if (null === $object = $this->findViaExpression($manager, $request, $options)) {
                $message = sprintf(' The expression "%s" returned null.', $options->expr);
            // find by identifier?
        } elseif (false === $object = $this->find($manager, $request, $options, $argument->getName())) {
            // find by criteria
            if (!$criteria = $this->getCriteria($request, $options, $manager)) {
                return [];
            try {
                $object = $manager->getRepository($options->class)->findOneBy($criteria);
            } catch (NoResultException|ConversionException) {
                $object = null;

        if (null === $object && !$argument->isNullable()) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('"%s" object not found by "%s".', $options->class, self::class).$message);

        return [$object];

    private function getManager(?string $name, string $class): ?ObjectManager
        if (null === $name) {
            return $this->registry->getManagerForClass($class);

        try {
            $manager = $this->registry->getManager($name);
        } catch (\InvalidArgumentException) {
            return null;

        return $manager->getMetadataFactory()->isTransient($class) ? null : $manager;

    private function find(ObjectManager $manager, Request $request, MapEntity $options, string $name): false|object|null
        if ($options->mapping || $options->exclude) {
            return false;

        $id = $this->getIdentifier($request, $options, $name);
        if (false === $id || null === $id) {
            return $id;

        if ($options->evictCache && $manager instanceof EntityManagerInterface) {
            $cacheProvider = $manager->getCache();
            if ($cacheProvider && $cacheProvider->containsEntity($options->class, $id)) {
                $cacheProvider->evictEntity($options->class, $id);

        try {
            return $manager->getRepository($options->class)->find($id);
        } catch (NoResultException|ConversionException) {
            return null;

    private function getIdentifier(Request $request, MapEntity $options, string $name): mixed
        if (\is_array($options->id)) {
            $id = [];
            foreach ($options->id as $field) {
                // Convert "%s_uuid" to "foobar_uuid"
                if (str_contains($field, '%s')) {
                    $field = sprintf($field, $name);

                $id[$field] = $request->attributes->get($field);

            return $id;

        if (null !== $options->id) {
            $name = $options->id;

        if ($request->attributes->has($name)) {
            return $request->attributes->get($name) ?? ($options->stripNull ? false : null);

        if (!$options->id && $request->attributes->has('id')) {
            return $request->attributes->get('id') ?? ($options->stripNull ? false : null);

        return false;

    private function getCriteria(Request $request, MapEntity $options, ObjectManager $manager): array
        if (null === $mapping = $options->mapping) {
            $mapping = $request->attributes->keys();

        if ($mapping && \is_array($mapping) && array_is_list($mapping)) {
            $mapping = array_combine($mapping, $mapping);

        foreach ($options->exclude as $exclude) {

        if (!$mapping) {
            return [];

        // if a specific id has been defined in the options and there is no corresponding attribute
        // return false in order to avoid a fallback to the id which might be of another object
        if (\is_string($options->id) && null === $request->attributes->get($options->id)) {
            return [];

        $criteria = [];
        $metadata = $manager->getClassMetadata($options->class);

        foreach ($mapping as $attribute => $field) {
            if (!$metadata->hasField($field) && (!$metadata->hasAssociation($field) || !$metadata->isSingleValuedAssociation($field))) {

            $criteria[$field] = $request->attributes->get($attribute);

        if ($options->stripNull) {
            $criteria = array_filter($criteria, static fn ($value) => null !== $value);

        return $criteria;

    private function findViaExpression(ObjectManager $manager, Request $request, MapEntity $options): ?object
        if (!$this->expressionLanguage) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use the "%s" if the ExpressionLanguage component is not available. Try running "composer require symfony/expression-language".', __CLASS__));

        $repository = $manager->getRepository($options->class);
        $variables = array_merge($request->attributes->all(), ['repository' => $repository]);

        try {
            return $this->expressionLanguage->evaluate($options->expr, $variables);
        } catch (NoResultException|ConversionException) {
            return null;

Add the value resolver as a service.

    # Priority should fire before the default EntityValueResolver
            - { name: controller.argument_value_resolver, priority: 150 }


Want to contribute? Great!

  • Fork your copy from the repository
  • Add your new Awesome features
  • Write MORE Tests
  • Create a new Pull request



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