This system is a capstone project developed in fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.



This system is a capstone project submitted and developed by Carlo Estaras, Boni Jun Sechico and April Rose Sarte. This is a requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

The project is made using Laravel v.10x and Filament v3.0x. It is a computer mapping and information system, designed to show the graphical representation of each computer of the College of Arts and Sciences buidling of Negros Oriental State University Main Campus. To display the availability of each computer whether it is working or not working.

You can read the rest of the documentation of this project through this link:

Installing the Project

  • Clone or download project
  • Do composer install
  • Do npm install
  • Install Laravel Filament v3.0x using the command composer require filament/filament:"^3.2" -W and php artisan filament:install --panels
  • For the activity logs do composer require alexjustesen/filament-spatie-laravel-activitylog:^0.7
  • Publish the SpatieActivityLog config file using php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-spatie-activitylog-config"
  • To fix the error "Array to string conversion". Navigate through vendor/filament/src/FilamentManager.php and change "name" to "userName" in the line "return $user->getAttributeValue('name');".
  • Since the filament project has been modified and is under development. Insert a user through the database.
  • Rename .env.example to .env and match the database name to yours and do php artisan migrate.
  • Open the web app using the commands php artisan serve and npm run dev and paste the directory
  • Login through the Network Admin account. Username: NetworkAdmin Password: password

Screenshots of the project

Login Page

Network Admin Dashboard

Computer Table

Computer Creation

Building Map

Floor Map

Computer Mapping

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