
1Password Passage SDK for PHP.

MIT License

<a href="">Request Feature</a>

About The Project

Introducing Passage SDK for PHP:

  • Seamless integration with 1Password's Passage API
  • Secure storage and retrieval of secrets
  • Magic link authentication implementation
  • Robust error handling
  • Automatic conversion to native PHP DateTime objects
  • Middleware support for easy integration
  • Powerful SDK features for enhanced security in PHP projects

Getting Started


Start by creating a laravel/laravel project using PHP composer:

  • composer
    laravel new my-php-project


  1. Create a Passage account
  2. Create a new Passage application
  3. Retrieve your application's <APP_ID> and <API_KEY>
  4. Add <APP_ID> and <API_KEY> to your local .env file:
  5. Install package from Packagist
    composer require eludadev/passage
  6. Import the Passage class
    use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
  7. Create an instance of the Passage class.
    Set <AUTH_STRATEGY> to either 'COOKIES' (default) or 'HEADER'.
    $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'), '<AUTH_STRATEGY>' /* optional */);


Authenticate requests and manage Passage users with Node.js.

Warning To use the Passage PHP SDK, you'll need your Passage App ID. You can create a new Passage App in the console.

Note Assuming you followed the above prerequisites to create a new laravel/laravel project, you can quickly get started using this SDK in your API routes by opening the routes/web.php file and adding the following code:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('/passage', function (Request $request) {
    $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));
    return $passage->createMagicLink("[email protected]", "/redirect");

Authenticating Requests

Passage makes it easy to associate an HTTP request with an authenticated user. The following code can be used to validate that a request was made by an authenticated user.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

// Authentication using Passage class instance
Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
    $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

    try {
        // Authenticate request using Passage
        $userID = $passage->authenticateRequest($request);
        if ($userID) {
            // User is authenticated
            $userData = $passage->user->get($userID);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Authentication failed
        return "Authentication failed!";

By default, Passage looks for the user JWT from a cookie that is set by the Passage Element (psg_auth_token). If your application uses Authorization headers instead, you can pass the following option to the Passage PHP SDK.

$passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'), 'HEADER');

Authenticating a Request With PHP Middleware

If you used the laravel/laravel project, Passage provides a middleware that can be used directly. This middleware will authenticate a request and return a 401 Unauthorized if the token is invalid. If it succeeds, the Passage User ID will be available in the response. The following code shows how the Passage middleware can be used in a PHP application.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

// Example of passage middleware
Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
  $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));
  $userID = $request->userID;

If you are not using eludadev/passage in a request context, or your application is passing the JWT in a custom way, you can pass the JWT directly to the validAuthToken method to perform validation.

$userID = $passage->validAuthToken($token);

if ($userID) {
// otherwise, unauthorized

App Information

The Passage SDK provides a way to retrieve information about an app.

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;

$passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));
$appInfo = $passage->getApp();

User Management

In addition to authenticating requests, the Passage PHP SDK also provides a way to securely manage your users. These functions require authentication using a Passage API key. API keys can be managed in the Passage Console.

The functionality currently available on a user is:

  • Get a user's information (including any defined user metadata)
  • Activate or deactivate a user (a deactivated user will not be able to log in)
  • Update a user's information (email address or phone number)
  • Delete a user
  • Create a user

Warning Passage API Keys are sensitive! You should store them securely along with your other application secrets.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
$passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

$userID = $request->userID;
  $passageUser = $passage->user->get($userID);
return $passageUser->email;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
  $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));
  $userID = $request->userID;

  $deactivatedUser = $passage->user->deactivate($userID);
  $deactivatedUser->active; // false

  $activatedUser = $passage->user->activate($userID);
  $activatedUser->active; // true
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
  $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

  $userID = $request->userID;
  $passageUser = $passage->user->update($userID, [
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'phone' => '+15005550006'

  $passageUser->email; // [email protected]
  $passageUser->phone; // +15005550006
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
  $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

  $userID = $request->userID;
  $deletedUser = $passage->user->delete($userID);
  $deletedUser; // true
use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;

$passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

$newUser1 = $passage->user->create('[email protected]');
$newUser1->email; // [email protected]

$newUser2 = $passage->user->create(phone:'+15005550006');
$newUser2->phone; // +15005550006
Field Type
id string
email string
phone string
active boolean
email_verified boolean
created_at DateTime
last_login_at DateTime
webauthn boolean
user_metadata array
webauthn_devices array of strings (e.g. "Mac OS X")
recent_events array of strings

User Device Management

The functionality currently available is:

  • List all devices for a user
  • Revoke a particular device from a user
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
  $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

  $userID = $request->userID;
  $devices = $passage->user->listDevices($userID);
  return $devices;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Eludadev\Passage\Middleware\PassageAuthMiddleware;

Route::get('authenticatedRoute', function (Request $request) {
  $passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

  $userID = $request->userID;
  $success = $passage->user->revokeDevice($userID, '<DEVICE_ID>');
  return $success; // true

Creating Magic Links

The PHP SDK can be used to generate custom magic links (called "smart links") for users, that can be embedded into any content medium. To learn more, see our full guide on Smart Links.

use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;

$passage = new Passage(env('APP_ID'), env('API_KEY'));

$magicLink = $passage->createMagicLink('[email protected]', '/custom-path/1234');

// use Magic Link URL

Example Usage

We built an example full-stack application on React and a PHP backend. Get started by opening the following directory: cd ./examples

Warning Make sure you have PHP and Composer installed on your local machine before continuing with these steps.

Configuring a new Passage Project

Create a new Passage project. Make sure to input http://localhost:3000 for the domain, and /dashboard for the redirect URL.

Updating an existing Passage project

Head over to your project settings.

Input http://localhost:3000 for the domain, and /dashboard for the redirect URL, and / for the login URL.

Running the server

  1. Go to the backend directory: cd ./backend
  2. Install the dependencies: composer install
  3. Copy the environment variables file: cp .env.example .env
  4. Replace your Passage credentials in .env:
  5. Run the server: php artisan serve

Running the frontend

  1. Go to the frontend directory: cd ./frontend
  2. Install the dependencies: yarn
  3. Copy the environment variables file: cp EXAMPLE.env .env
  4. Replace your Passage credentials in .env:
  5. Run the server: yarn start

How it works

Here's the code powering the PHP backend:

// routes/api.php


use Eludadev\Passage\Errors\PassageError;
use Eludadev\Passage\Passage;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

// This route handles the authentication process for the '/auth' endpoint

Route::post('/auth', function (Request $request) {
    try {
        // Create a new instance of the Passage class using the Passage API credentials from the environment variables
        $passage = new Passage(env('PASSAGE_APP_ID'), env('PASSAGE_API_KEY'), 'HEADER');

        // Authenticate the request using the Passage API
        $userId = $passage->authenticateRequest($request);

        if ($userId) {
            // If authentication is successful, retrieve user data using the Passage API
            $userData = $passage->user->get($userId);

            // Determine the identifier based on the user data (email or phone)
            $identifier = $userData['email'] ? $userData['email'] : $userData['phone'];

            // Return the authentication status and identifier
            return [
                'authStatus' => 'success',
                'identifier' => $identifier
    } catch (PassageError $e) {
        // Catch any errors that occur during the authentication process and echo the error message
        echo $e->getMessage();

        // Return the authentication failure status
        return [
            'authStatus' => 'failure'

For this particular example, we chose to build the server on the Laravel framework, but the Passage PHP SDK can work on any PHP framework.

The frontend calls the localhost:8000/api/auth URL, which extracts the authentication header, decodes the JWK token, and retrieves the user ID. It then makes calls to the Passage API to retrieve more user information such as email and phone number.

All of this is done behind the scenes by the PHP SDK, so you don't have to worry about the intricate details.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Younes Laaroussi - Telegram - [email protected]

Project Link:


Many thanks to 1Password and Hashnode for hosting this amazing hackathon! It was a lot of fun and a fantastic learning experience for me and all the other participants, and hopefully it can happen again!