
Web service to create website screenshots. Mirror of

AGPL-3.0 License


phancap - website screenshot service

Web service (API) to create website screenshots.

Self-hosted and written in PHP. Caching included.

phancap is useful for:

  • Show screenshots for websites in your bookmarking application
  • Archive a HTML page as PDF for later viewing

.. contents::


  • Configurable browser size

  • Configurable screenshot size

  • Clip and full page rendering (full height)

  • JPG, PNG and PDF output (PDFs are searchable)

  • Authentication

  • Can run on a normal web server without GUI. See dependencies_.

  • Generated images get meta data embedded:

    • URL of captured page
    • Capture settings

.. note:: phancap does not rely on a "real" browser. Currently cutycapt is utilized, which uses a pretty bare webkit to render the pages. Do not expect pixel-for-pixel identical rendering as your desktop browser.

Getting started

Basic setup

#. Download the .phar file and put it onto your web server #. Open the phar file in your browser

If you only see text beginning with <?php, you need to setup .phar file extension handling__ in your web server first. #. Click the "setup check" link #. Fix all errors that are reported #. Run phancap.phar/get.php? and see the screenshot


Advanced setup

With the basic setup, everyone may use your server to create website screenshots. You may want to change that or simply change some default settings.

#. Create a config file phancap.phar.config.php #. Edit it; see the configuration_ options.

URL parameters

get.php supports the following parameters:

Browser parameters

url Website URL bwidth Browser width (default: 1024) bheight Browser height (default: none)

Screenshot parameters

swidth Screenshot width (default: none (no scaling)) sheight Screenshot height (default: none) sformat Screenshot format (png, jpg, pdf, default: png) smode Screenshot mode (screen (4:3) or page (full website height)) smaxage Maximum age of screenshot in seconds. ISO 8601 duration specifications accepted:

  • P1Y - 1 year
  • P2W - 2 weeks
  • P1D - 1 day
  • PT4H - 4 hours

The configuration file defines a minimum age that the user cannot undercut ($screenshotMinAge), as well as a default value ($screenshotMaxAge).

Authentication parameters

atimestamp Time at which the request URL was generated (unix timestamp) atoken Access token (username) asignature Signature for the request. See the authentication_ section.


phancap looks at several places for its configuration file:

#. phancap.phar.config.php in the same directory as your phancap.phar file.

#. /etc/phancap.php

Configuration variables

$cacheDir Full file system path to image cache directory $cacheDirUrl Full URL to cache directory $access Credentials for access control

true to allow access to anyone, false to disable it completely. array of username - secret key combinations otherwise. $cutycapt['parameters'] Additional command line parameters for cutycapt. Can be used to e.g. enable browser plugins:

$cutycapt['parameters'] = '--plugins=on'; $cutycapt['maxWaitTime'] Maximal time in seconds to wait for cutycapt to finish rendering. Defaults to 30 seconds. $disableSetup Disable setup.php which will leak file system paths $redirect Redirect to static image urls after generating them $timestampmaxAge How long a signature timestamp is considered valid. 2 days default. $screenshotMaxAge Cache time of downloaded screenshots.

When the file is as older than this, it gets re-created. $screenshotMinAge Minimum age of a screeshot. 1 hour default.

A user cannot set the max age parameter below it.


Creating screenshots of websites is a resource intensive process. To prevent unauthorized access to the service, phancap supports authentication via a signature parameter similar to OAuth's oauth_signature.

Phancap's configuration file may contain a $access variable:

true Everyone is allowed to access the service false Nobody is allowed to access the service array A list of usernames that are allowed to request screenshots, together with their secret keys (password)::

$access = array(
   'user1' => 'secret1',
   'user2' => 'secret2',

The signature algorithm is as follows:

#. Parameters atimestamp (current unix timestamp) and atoken (username) have to be added to the URL parameters

#. URL parameters are normalized as described in OAuth Parameters Normalization__:

#. Sort parameters list by name #. Name and value are raw-url-encoded__ #. Name and value are concatenated with = as separator #. The resulting strings are concatenated with & as separator

#. URL parameter string is used together with the secret key to create a HMAC-SHA1__ digest

#. Digest is appended to the URL as asignature

__ __ __


.. note::

The ``docs/`` directory contains an example PHP client implementation.

We want to create a screenshot of in size 400x300, using the browser size of 1024x768::

Phancap's config file contains::

$access = array(
    'user' => 'secret'

Our parameters are thus:

============== ===== Name Value ============== ===== swidth 400 sheight 300 url bwidth 1024 bheight 768 ============== =====

At first, we need to add parameters atimestamp and atoken. atimestamp is the current unix timestamp. atoken is our user name: user.

Now the parameter list is sorted:

============== ===== Name Value ============== ===== atimestamp 1396353987 atoken user bheight 768 bwidth 1024 sheight 300 swidth 400 url ============== =====

The parameters are raw-url-encoded. The only value that changes is the url, it becomes

Concatenating the name/value pairs leads to the following string::


Creating the HMAC digest with sha1, the calculated string and our key secret gives us the following string::


This is the signature; it gets appended to the URL as asignature parameter.


  • External tools:

    • cutycapt <>_
    • exiftool <>_
    • imagemagick's <>_ convert
    • xvfb-run
  • Libraries (already included in the .phar):

    • PEAR's System.php

About phancap


phancap is licensed under the AGPL v3__ or later.



Web site

Source code



Written by Christian Weiske, [email protected]


All of those are open source:


Releasing a new version

#. Update ChangeLog #. Change version number in build.xml #. Run phing #. Deploy the new files in dist/ #. Tag the new version in git