
A simple PHP script that helps you compare raw performance across servers and php versions

GPL-3.0 License


PHP Benchmark Script

A simple script that calculate execution time of common control flows and function of the PHP. Helps you to compare performances of servers, web hosting and also across PHP versions.


From your SSH:

curl | php

Or upload the file bench.php to your web document root and visit it.


You can change the difficulty multiplier by passing a multiplier parameter:

php bench.php --multiplier=2

Additional tests

You must have the bench.php file to your server. You can download additional benchmarks (must be in the same directory as bench.php) using:

Available tests:

# rand: random number generation
# io: file read/write/zip/unzip
# mysql: selects, updates, deletes, transactions, ....
# you need to pass the args --mysql_user=xxx --mysql_password=xxx --mysql_host=xxx

Then you can run the benchmark using:

php bench.php

If the file is in the same directory as bench.php, it will be automatically loaded.

Custom tests

You can create your own tests by creating a file in the same directory as bench.php and the file must be named *.bench.php.

The file must return a closure, or an array of closures. Each closure should take a parameter $multiplier which is how hard the test should be. The higher the $multiplier, the longer the test will take, by default it is 1. You should choose a reasonable number of iterations for your test (e.g. 1000) and multiply it by the $multiplier.


// mytest.bench.php

return function ($multiplier = 1) {
    $iterations = 1000 * $multiplier;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
        // do something

Or with multiple tests:

// mytest.bench.php

return [
    'my_test' => function ($multiplier = 1) {
        $iterations = 1000 * $multiplier;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
            // do something
    'another_test' => function ($multiplier = 1) {
        $iterations = 1000 * $multiplier;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
            // do something else

Example Output

|       PHP BENCHMARK SCRIPT v.2.0 by @SergiX44       |
PHP............................................. 8.2.10
Platform........................................ Darwin
Arch............................................. arm64
Server........................................ hostname
Max memory usage.................................. 512M
OPCache status................................. enabled
OPCache JIT.................................... enabled
PCRE JIT....................................... enabled
XDebug extension.............................. disabled
Difficulty multiplier............................... 1x
Started at..................... 06/12/2023 13:45:37.453
math.......................................... 0.0935 s
loops......................................... 0.0121 s
ifelse........................................ 0.0173 s
switch........................................ 0.0172 s
string........................................ 0.1842 s
array......................................... 0.3212 s
regex......................................... 0.1769 s
is_{type}..................................... 0.0322 s
hash.......................................... 0.1202 s
json.......................................... 0.1586 s
-----------------Additional Benchmarks-----------------
io::file_read................................. 0.0129 s
io::file_write................................ 0.0715 s
io::file_zip.................................. 0.5335 s
io::file_unzip................................ 0.1571 s
rand::rand.................................... 0.0089 s
rand::mt_rand................................. 0.0089 s
rand::random_int.............................. 0.0679 s
rand::random_bytes............................ 0.2320 s
rand::openssl_random_pseudo_bytes............. 0.2953 s
Total time.................................... 2.5214 s
Peak memory usage................................ 2 MiB

