
PHP CodeIgniter 3 CRUD Application


PHP CodeIgniter 3 CRUD Application

This repository contains a comprehensive CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application developed using PHP and CodeIgniter 3. The application demonstrates a well-structured MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture with additional features for session management, validation, and security. It includes a HomeController, CrudController, CrudService, CrudRepository, and DatabaseModel, along with a Validation Helper and View Handling.


  • MVC Architecture: Organized code structure for maintainability and scalability.
  • CRUD Operations: Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
  • Session Management: Secure and efficient session handling.
  • Validation: Extensive form validation using CodeIgniter's form_validation.
  • Security: User passwords are stored using password_hash for enhanced security.
  • Unified Form: Registration and update are managed through a single form.
  • Exception Handling: Proper exception handling throughout the application.
  • Logging: Specific logging for tracking application behavior.
  • Code Commenting: Well-commented code for better understanding and maintainability.
  • Professional Project Structure: Adheres to professional standards for project creation and management.


Register and Update Form

  • Register: Access the registration form to create a new user. Passwords are securely hashed using password_hash.
  • Update: Use the same form to update user information.

CRUD Operations

  • Create: Add new records to the database.
  • Read: Retrieve and display records from the database.
  • Update: Modify existing records in the database.
  • Delete: Remove records from the database.

Code Structure

  • Controllers: Handle incoming requests and interact with services.
    • HomeController: Manages the Login, Register, and Logout operations.
    • CrudController: Manages CRUD operations and interactions with services.
  • Libraries: Contain business logic and act as intermediaries between controllers and repositories.
    • CrudService: Handles the business logic for CRUD operations.
  • Models: Represent database entities and handle data operations.
    • CrudRepository: Mediator of CrudService and DatabaseModel, managing data persistence and retrieval.
    • DatabaseModel: Contains all database-related operations.
    • View Handler: Manages the presentation layer of the application.
  • Helpers: Provide utility functions for validation and other common tasks.
    • Validation Helper: Manages form validation related functions.

Installation and Setup


  • PHP (>= 7.4)
  • MySQL
  • Apache Server (or any compatible web server)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd PHP-CodeIgniter-CRUD-Application
  2. Configure the database:

    • Create a database in MySQL.
    • Update the database configuration in application/config/database.php with your database credentials.
  3. Run the migrations:

    • Import the database.sql file located in the root of the project to your MySQL database. This will create the necessary tables.
  4. Configure the base URL:

    • Update the base URL in application/config/config.php to match your local or production environment.
  5. Start the application:

    • Place the project in the web root directory of your server (e.g., htdocs for XAMPP).
    • Start the Apache server.
    • Access the application via your browser at http://localhost/PHP-CodeIgniter-CRUD-Application.

Video Trailer

For a quick overview of the application, watch the video trailer below:

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