
PHP library for handling cookies

MIT License


PHP Cookie library

Translations: Español

PHP library for handling cookies.


  • Operating System: Linux.

  • PHP versions: 8.1 | 8.2 | 8.3.


The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

To install PHP Cookie library, simply:

composer require josantonius/cookie

The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code you can use:

composer require josantonius/cookie --prefer-source

You can also clone the complete repository with Git:

git clone

Available Classes

Cookie Class


Sets cookie options:

 * Cookie options:
 * domain:   Domain for which the cookie is available.
 * expires:  The time the cookie will expire.
 * httpOnly: If cookie will only be available through the HTTP protocol.
 * path:     Path for which the cookie is available.
 * raw:      If cookie will be sent as a raw string.
 * sameSite: Enforces the use of a Lax or Strict SameSite policy.
 * secure:   If cookie will only be available through the HTTPS protocol.
 * These settings will be used to create and delete cookies.
 * @throws CookieException if $sameSite value is wrong.
 * @see for date formats.
 * @see for more information.
public function __construct(
    private string              $domain   = '',
    private int|string|DateTime $expires  = 0,
    private bool                $httpOnly = false,
    private string              $path     = '/',
    private bool                $raw      = false,
    private null|string         $sameSite = null,
    private bool                $secure   = false

Sets a cookie by name:

 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
 * @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public function set(
    string $name,
    mixed $value,
    null|int|string|DateTime $expires = null
): void;

Sets several cookies at once:

 * If cookies exist they are replaced, if they do not exist they are created.
 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public function replace(
    array $data,
    null|int|string|DateTime $expires = null
): void;

Gets a cookie by name:

 * Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
public function get(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed;

Gets all cookies:

public function all(): array;

Check if a cookie exists:

public function has(string $name): bool;

Deletes a cookie by name and returns its value:

 * Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public function pull(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed;

Deletes an cookie by name:

 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
 * @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public function remove(string $name): void;

Cookie Facade


Sets cookie options:

 * Cookie options:
 * domain:   Domain for which the cookie is available.
 * expires:  The time the cookie will expire.
 * httpOnly: If cookie will only be available through the HTTP protocol.
 * path:     Path for which the cookie is available.
 * raw:      If cookie will be sent as a raw string.
 * sameSite: Enforces the use of a Lax or Strict SameSite policy.
 * secure:   If cookie will only be available through the HTTPS protocol.
 * These settings will be used to create and delete cookies.
 * @throws CookieException if $sameSite value is wrong.
 * @see for date formats.
 * @see for more information.
public static function options(
    string              $domain   = '',
    int|string|DateTime $expires  = 0,
    bool                $httpOnly = false,
    string              $path     = '/',
    bool                $raw      = false,
    null|string         $sameSite = null,
    bool                $secure   = false
): void;

Sets a cookie by name:

 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
 * @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public static function set(
    string $name,
    mixed $value,
    null|int|string|DateTime $expires = null
): void;

Sets several cookies at once:

 * If cookies exist they are replaced, if they do not exist they are created.
 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public static function replace(
    array $data,
    null|int|string|DateTime $expires = null
): void;

Gets a cookie by name:

 * Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
public static function get(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed;

Gets all cookies:

public static function all(): array;

Check if a cookie exists:

public static function has(string $name): bool;

Deletes a cookie by name and returns its value:

 * Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public static function pull(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed;

Deletes an cookie by name:

 * @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
 * @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public static function remove(string $name): void;

Exceptions Used

use Josantonius\Cookie\Exceptions\CookieException;


Example of use for this library:

Create Cookie instance with default options

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;


Create Cookie instance with custom options

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie(
    domain: '',
    expires: time() + 3600,
    httpOnly: true,
    path: '/foo',
    raw: true,
    sameSite: 'Strict',
    secure: true,
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

    expires: 'now +1 hour',
    httpOnly: true,

Sets a cookie by name

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

$cookie->set('foo', 'bar');
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

Cookie::set('foo', 'bar');

Sets a cookie by name modifying the expiration time

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

$cookie->set('foo', 'bar', time() + 3600);
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

Cookie::set('foo', 'bar', new DateTime('now +1 hour'));

Sets several cookies at once

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

    'foo' => 'bar',
    'bar' => 'foo'
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

    'foo' => 'bar',
    'bar' => 'foo'
], time() + 3600);

Sets several cookies at once modifying the expiration time

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

    'foo' => 'bar',
    'bar' => 'foo'
], time() + 3600);
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

    'foo' => 'bar',
    'bar' => 'foo'
], time() + 3600);

Gets a cookie by name

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

$cookie->get('foo'); // null if the cookie does not exist
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

Cookie::get('foo'); // null if the cookie does not exist

Gets a cookie by name with default value if cookie does not exist

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

$cookie->get('foo', false); // false if cookie does not exist
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

Cookie::get('foo', false); // false if cookie does not exist

Gets all cookies

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;


Check if a cookie exists

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;


Deletes a cookie by name and returns its value

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

$cookie->pull('foo'); // null if attribute does not exist
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

Cookie::pull('foo'); // null if attribute does not exist

Deletes a cookie and returns its value or default value if does not exist

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

$cookie->pull('foo', false); // false if attribute does not exist
use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;

Cookie::pull('foo', false); // false if attribute does not exist

Deletes an cookie by name

use Josantonius\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie();

use Josantonius\Cookie\Facades\Cookie;


About cookie expires

  • The expires parameter used in several methods of this library accepts the following types: int|string|DateTime.

    • Integers will be handled as unix time except zero.

    • Strings will be handled as date/time formats. See supported Date and Time Formats for more information.

      $cookie = new Cookie(
          expires: '2016-12-15 +1 day'

      It would be similar to:

      $cookie = new Cookie(
          expires: new DateTime('2016-12-15 +1 day')
    • DateTime objects will be used to obtain the unix time.

  • If the expires parameter is used in the set or replace methods, it will be taken instead of the expires value set in the cookie options.

    $cookie = new Cookie(
        expires: 'now +1 minute'
    $cookie->set('foo', 'bar');                        // Expires in 1 minute
    $cookie->set('bar', 'foo', 'now +8 days');         // Expires in 8 days
    $cookie->replace(['foo' => 'bar']);                // Expires in 1 minute
    $cookie->replace(['foo' => 'bar'], time() + 3600); // Expires in 1 hour
  • If the expires parameter passed in the options is a date/time string, it is formatted when using the set or replace method and not when setting the options.

    $cookie = new Cookie(
        expires: 'now +1 minute', // It will not be formatted as unix time yet
    $cookie->set('foo', 'bar');   // It is will formatted now and expires in 1 minute


To run tests you just need composer and to execute the following:

git clone
cd php-cookie
composer install

Run unit tests with PHPUnit:

composer phpunit

Run code standard tests with PHPCS:

composer phpcs

Run PHP Mess Detector tests to detect inconsistencies in code style:

composer phpmd

Run all previous tests:

composer tests


  • Add new feature
  • Improve tests
  • Improve documentation
  • Improve English translation in the README file
  • Refactor code for disabled code style rules (see phpmd.xml and phpcs.xml)


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide, before making a pull request, start a discussion or report a issue.

Thanks to all contributors! ❤️


If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2016-present, Josantonius