
⏱ PHP .NET Ticks helps you convert .NET ticks, a form of precise time measurement used by the .NET DateTime object.

LGPL-3.0 License


⏱ PHP .NET Ticks

This package helps PHP developers work with and convert .NET ticks, a form of precise time measurement used by the .NET DateTime object.


You can use this library to do the following, and more.

  • Convert ticks to timestamp
  • Convert ticks to DateTime object
  • Convert ticks to Carbon date object
  • Get the current time in ticks
  • Convert timestamp to ticks

What are .NET ticks?

A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second. There are 10,000 ticks in a millisecond, or 10 million ticks in a second.

The value of this property [DateTime.Ticks] represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001 (0:00:00 UTC on January 1, 0001, in the Gregorian calendar), which represents DateTime.MinValue. It does not include the number of ticks that are attributable to leap seconds.

Source: .NET API Reference: DateTime.Tick Property


The PHP .NET Ticks package can be easily installed using Composer. Just run the following command from the root of your project.

composer require divineomega/php-dot-net-ticks

If you have never used the Composer dependency manager before, head to the Composer website for more information on how to get started.


First you need to create a new Ticks object. This can be done in several ways.

use DivineOmega\DotNetTicks\Ticks;

// Current time
$ticks = new Ticks();

// Specific time in ticks
$ticks = new Ticks(636536021491253348);

// From timestamp
$ticks = Ticks::createFromTimestamp(1518005349);

You can then call methods on the Ticks object to retrieve or convert as necessary.

$ticks = $ticks->ticks();       // Ticks

$time = $ticks->timestamp();    // UNIX timstamp

$dateTime = $ticks->dateTime(); // PHP DateTime object
$carbon = $ticks->carbon();     // Carbon date object

If you wish, you can combine these two steps into one line, as shown in the examples below.

// Get current time in ticks
$nowInTicks = (new Ticks())->ticks();

// Convert ticks to timestamp
$timestamp = (new Ticks(636536021491253348))->timestamp();

// Convert timestamp to ticks
$ticks = Ticks::createFromTimestamp(1518005349)->ticks();