
Wrappers for popular error handling services

MIT License


Error Handlers

A package that includes wrappers for popular error handling services.

Includes an integration library for CakePHP 3.


  • PHP 5.5+
  • Patience


# install it
composer require josegonzalez/php-error-handlers


You can register the Handler class as a handler of php errors and exceptions.

// Create an array of configuration data to pass to the handler class
$config = [
    'handlers' => [
        // *Can* be the class name, not-namespaced
        // The namespace will be "interpolated" in such cases
        'NewrelicHandler' => [
        // Can also include the full namespace
        'Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Handler\BugsnagHandler' => [
            'apiKey' => 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
        // Invalid handlers will be ignored
        'InvalidHandler' => [

// Register the error handler
(new \Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Handler($config))->register();

// Enjoy throwing exceptions and reporting them upstream
throw new \Exception('Test Exception');

The registered handler returns false by default. This allows you to chain error handlers such that this package can handle reporting while another library can display user-friendly error messages.

Available Handlers

The following are built-in handlers with their configuration options:

  • AirbrakeHandler:: Uses the official airbrake php package.
    • host: (optional | default: airbrake api host e.g.: '' or ''
    • projectId: (required | default: null)
    • projectKey: (required | default: null)
    • appVersion: (optional | default: null)
    • environment: (optional | default: null)
    • rootDirectory: (optional | default: null)
    • httpClient: (optional | default: null) which http client to use: "default", "curl", "guzzle" or a client instance
  • AtatusHandler: Uses the atatus php extension.
    • apiKey: (optional | default: null)
  • BugsnagHandler: Uses the official bugsnag php package.
    • apiKey: (required | default: null)
    • defaults: (optional | default: null) Your bugsnag endpoint for enterprise users
    • endpoint: (optional | default: true) If we should register our default callbacks
  • MonologStreamHandler: Uses the monolog StreamHandler.
    • name: (optional | default: error)
    • handlerClass: (optional | default: Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler)
    • stream: (optional | default: log/error.log)
    • level: (optional | default: Monolog\Logger::Warning)
  • NewrelicHandler: Uses the newrelic php extension.
  • RaygunHandler: Uses the official raygun php package.
    • apiKey: (required | default: null)
  • SentryHandler: Uses the official sentry php package.
    • dsn: (required | default: null)
    • callInstall: (optional | default: false) Whether or not to call the install method on the client.

Handler and Exception Modification

Modifying the client handler

Sometimes you may find it useful to modify the client. For instance, it may be necessary to add contextual information to the given client call. To do so, you can set the clientCallback configuration key:

$config = [
    'handlers' => [
        'BugsnagHandler' => [
            'clientCallback' => function ($client) {
                // do something interesting to the client
                return $client;

Note that the client should still respond to the existing reporting API provided by the upstream library. You may respond with a proxy library if desired, though returning the initial client is ideal.

$client may be set to null inside of clientCallback if the handler is improperly configured.

Modifying the exception

If necessary, it is possible to modify the exception being used within a particular handler. Changes to the exception will persist only for the duration of that particular handler call.

To do so, set the exceptionCallback configuration key for a particular handler:

$config = [
    'handlers' => [
        'BugsnagHandler' => [
            'exceptionCallback' => function ($exception) {
                // return null to skip reporting errors
                if ($exception instanceof \Error) {
                    return null;
                return $exception;

You may return another exception or null. In the latter case, the built-in handlers will skip reporting the given exception.

Custom Handlers

Each handler should implement the Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Handler\HandlerInterface. This interface contains a single method:

public function handle($exception);
  • PHP 5.x errors will be replaced with wrapper ErrorException instances before sent to the handle method.
  • PHP 7.x errors extending Throwable will be replaced with wrapper Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Exception\PHP7ErrorException instances before sent to the handle method.
  • PHP Fatal errors will be replaced with wrapper Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Exception\FatalErrorException instances before sent to the handle method.
  • PHP Exceptions will be sent in, unmodified.

Custom handlers should extend the provided Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Handler\AbstractHandler class. This gives them the ability to have configuration passed in via the provided ConfigTrait and custom __construct().

CakePHP Usage

Loading the library is not necessary and will result in errors. Please follow the below instructions for cakephp-specific configurations.

You will want to setup at least the following configuration keys in your config/app.php:

  • Error.config: Takes the same configuration array as you would give for normal php usage.

Next, configure the provided ErrorHandler classes in your config/bootstrap.php:

// around line 100
$isCli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
if ($isCli) {
    (new \Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Cake\ConsoleErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register();
} else {
    (new \Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Cake\ErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register();
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