
PHP library for working with Georgian payment providers and banks

MIT License



Georgian bank/terminal payment integration library

Table of Contents



Install this package through Composer.

Edit your project's composer.json file to require longman/geopayment

Create composer.json file:

    "name": "yourproject/yourproject",
    "type": "project",
    "require": {
        "longman/geopayment": "*"

And run composer update

Or run a command in your command line:

composer require longman/geopayment

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require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

// You can specify all options here
$options = [
    'option1' => 'value1',
    'option2' => 'value2',
    'option3' => 'value3',
    . . .

// or create .configfile file and specify file path in options
$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/folder/.configfile',

// Create payment instance
$payment = new Payment('{provider}', '{type}', $options);

// do more job depending on bank documentation

Important: If your .config file is under server document_root, you must deny access to that file via http.


Add in your .htaccess file:

<Files ~ "^\.(.*)$">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy all


In server section:

location ~ /\. {
    deny all;
    access_log off;
    log_not_found off;

Card Payments


BOG config example you can find here .bog.example

Bog Step 1: Redirecting on payment page
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.bog',

// Create payment instance
$payment = new Payment('bog', Payment::TYPE_CARD, $options);

// Set mode 'redirect'

// Set success url

// Set fail url

// Set order id or any payment identificator in your db
$payment->addParam('order_id', 'your_order_id');

// You can add more params if needed
$payment->addParam('param1', 'value1');
$payment->addParam('param2', 'value2');

// And simple redirect

// Or get payment initialization url if needed and after redirect
$url = $payment->getPaymentUrl();
. . .
Bog Step 2: Bank checks payment availability
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.bog',

$payment = new Payment('bog', Payment::TYPE_CARD, $options);

// Set mode 'check'

// Check IP (if needed)

// Check HTTP authorization

// Check signature validation (depends on documentation)

// Here you must check order_id or any other parameters which before redirecting set via $payment->addParam
$order_id = $payment->getParam('o.order_id');
if (!$order_id) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('order_id is empty!');

// check if order exists
$order = get_order_from_yout_db($order_id);
if (empty($order)) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('order with id "'.$order_id.'" not found!');

// check if order already completed
if ($order->isCompleted()) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('Purchase for order "'.$order_id.'" already completed!');
. . .

// Build parameters for response
$params = [];
$params['amount'] = 'Order price (In minor units)';
$params['short_desc'] = 'Payment short description';
$params['long_desc'] = 'Payment long description';


Bog Step 3: Bank registers payment
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.bog',

$payment = new Payment('bog', Payment::TYPE_CARD, $options);

// Set mode 'reg'

// Check IP (if needed)

// Check HTTP authorization

// Check signature validation (depends on documentation)

// Here you must check order_id or any other parameters which before redirecting set via $payment->addParam
$order_id = $payment->getParam('o.order_id');
if (!$order_id) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('order_id is empty!');

// check if order exists
$order = get_order_from_yout_db($order_id);
if (empty($order)) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('order with id "'.$order_id.'" not found!');

// check if order already completed
if ($order->isCompleted()) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('Purchase for order "'.$order_id.'" already completed!');

// Get and check payment result code
$result_code = $payment->getParam('result_code');
if (empty($result_code)) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse('result_code is empty!');

// Register payment with result code (1 - success, 2 - failed)
. . .

// Send response

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Cartu config example you can find here .cartu.example

Cartu Step 1: Redirecting on payment page
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.cartu',

// Create payment instance
$payment = new Payment('cartu', Payment::TYPE_CARD, $options);

// Set mode 'redirect'

// generate order id
$order_id = '1111111';

// prepare parameters for redirect
$purchase_desc = $order_id.'!<product name>!<product quantity>!<etc>';
$purchase_amt = '20.25';

$payment->addParam('PurchaseDesc', $purchase_desc);
$payment->addParam('PurchaseAmt', $purchase_amt);

// And simple redirect

// Or get payment initialization url if needed and after redirect
$url = $payment->getPaymentUrl();
. . .
Cartu Step 2: Bank registers payment
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.cartu',

$payment = new Payment('cartu', Payment::TYPE_CARD, $options);


// Check IP (if needed)

// get bank parameters
$TransactionId = $payment->getTransactionId();
$PaymentId = $payment->getPaymentId();
$PaymentDate = $payment->getPaymentDate();
$Amount = $payment->getAmount();
$CardType = $payment->getCardType();
$Reason = $payment->getReason();
$Status = $payment->getStatus();

switch($Status) {
    case 'C': // check
        // check order availability by TransactionId


    case 'Y': // success
        // update order status by TransactionId


    case 'N': // failed
        // set order status to failed

        $payment->sendErrorResponse('Transaction failed');

    case 'U': // unfinished

        $payment->sendErrorResponse('Unfinished request');


        // throw error
        $payment->sendErrorResponse('Status unspecified');


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Terminal Payments


TBC Pay config example you can find here .tbcpay.example

TBC Pay Step 1: Check payment
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.tbcpay',

// Create payment instance
$payment = new Payment('tbcpay', Payment::TYPE_PAY, $options);

// Set mode 'check'

// Check IP (if needed)

// Check HTTP authorization

// Get account identifier from request
$account = $payment->getParam('account');
if (empty($account)) {
    // Pass response code and message
    $payment->sendErrorResponse(4, 'Invalid Account Number Format');

// Check account id in db and show error if needed
. . .

// Generate some extra data for response. You can add more parameters if needed
$extra = [];
$extra['customer'] = 'John Doe';
$extra['debt'] = '500.00';


TBC Pay Step 2: Register Payment
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Longman\GeoPayment\Payment;

$options = [
    'config_path' => '/path/to/config/.tbcpay',

// Create payment instance
$payment = new Payment('tbcpay', Payment::TYPE_PAY, $options);

// Set mode 'reg'

// Check IP (if needed)

// Check HTTP authorization

// Get account identifier from request
$account = $payment->getParam('account');
if (empty($account)) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse(4, 'Invalid Account Number Format');

// Check account id in db and show error if needed
. . .

// Get transaction id
$txn_id = $payment->getParam('txn_id');
if (empty($txn_id)) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse(300, 'txn_id is not defined');

// Check transaction id in db and show error if needed
. . .

// Get payd amount
$sum = $payment->getParam('sum');
if (empty($sum)) {
    $payment->sendErrorResponse(300, 'sum is not defined');


TBC Pay: Recommended Response codes
Code Message
0 Success
1 Server timeout
4 Invalid account format
5 Account not found
7 Payment is restricted
215 Duplicate transaction
275 Invalid amount
300 Internal server error

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Liberty Pay

Liberty Pay Step 1: Check payment


Liberty Pay Step 2: Register Payment


Liberty Pay: Recommended Response codes
Code Message
0 Success
1 Server timeout
4 Invalid account format
5 Account not found
7 Payment is restricted
215 Duplicate transaction
275 Invalid amount
300 Internal server error

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Add more providers and write more tests


If you like living on the edge, please report any bugs you find on the PHP GeoPayment issues page.


Pull requests are welcome. See for information.


Please see the LICENSE included in this repository for a full copy of the MIT license, which this project is licensed under.


Full credit list in CREDITS