
GridFS implementation for the MongoDB PHP extension

MIT License


GridFS implementation for the PHP MongoDB driver

This package provides a userspace implementation of the GridFS specification for PHP's new mongodb extension (not to be confused with the similarly named mongo extension).

This library requires PHP 7!

Author and license

Martin Helmich This library is MIT-licensed.


Use Composer:

$ composer require helmich/gridfs



GridFS is oriented around Buckets. For a bucket named $name, this library will create two collections $name.files and $name.chunks in which file metadata and content blocks will be stored. Create a new bucket by instantiating the Helmich\GridFS\Bucket class. You will need a MongoDB\Database instance as dependency and can optionally pass an instance of the Helmich\GridFS\Options\BucketOptions class to configure your bucket:

$manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://localhost:27017');
$database = new \MongoDB\Database($manager, 'yourdatabase');

$bucketOptions = (new \Helmich\GridFS\Options\BucketOptions)
$bucket = new \Helmich\GridFS\Bucket($database, $bucketOptions);

Uploading files into a bucket

Uploading of files is done via streams. You can open a new upload stream using the openUploadStream function:

$uploadOptions = (new \Helmich\GridFS\Options\UploadOptions)
  ->withChunkSizeBytes(4 << 10)
  ->withMetadata(['foo' => 'bar']);

$uploadStream = $bucket->openUploadStream("helloworld.txt", $uploadOptions);
$uploadStream->write("Hello World!");

echo "File ID is: " . $uploadStream->fileId();

Alternatively, use the uploadFromStream method, which takes a PHP stream as a parameter:

$fileStream = fopen('humungousfile.blob', 'r');
$fileId = $bucket->uploadFromStream('humungousfile.blob', $fileStream, $uploadOptions);

Finding uploaded files

Use the find method to find files in your bucket. The find method takes a MongoDB query object as first parameter that is applied to the $bucketName.files collection. The second parameter is an instance of the Helmich\GridFS\Options\FindOptions class in which you can specify advanced options for the search:

$options = (new \Helmich\GridFS\Options\FindOptions)
  ->withSort(['filename' => 1])

$query = [
  'filename' => [
    '$in': ['foo.txt', 'bar.txt']
  'uploadDate' => [
    '$gt' => new \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime(time() - 86400)

$files = $bucket->find($query, $options);

Downloading files from a bucket

Downloading files is also stream-oriented. Given the ID of an already existing file, open a new download stream using the openDownloadStream function:

$file = $bucket->find(['filename' => 'foo.txt'], (new \Helmich\GridFS\Options\FindOptions)->withLimit(1))[0];

$downloadStream = $bucket->openDownloadStream($file['_id']);
echo $downloadStream->readAll();

// alternatively:
while (!$downloadStream->eof()) {
  echo $downloadStream->read(4096);

Given an already existing (and writeable) PHP stream, you can also use the downloadToStream method to pipe the file directly into the stream:

$fileStream = fopen('humungousfile.blob', 'w');
$bucket->downloadToStream($id, $fileStream);

There is also a byName variant of both openDownloadStream (openDownloadStreamByName()) and downloadToStream (downloadToStreamByName). Both of these functions take a file name and a Helmich\GridFS\Options\DownloadOptions instance as parameter. The $options parameter allows you to specify which revision of the given filename should be downloaded:

$options = (new \Helmich\GridFS\Options\DownloadByNameOptions)
  ->withRevision(-1); // also the default; will download the latest revision of the file

$stream = $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName('yourfile.txt', $options);

Deleting files

Delete files from the bucket using the delete method:



PSR-7 adapters

I've implemented this package for a PSR-7 compliant web application. PSR-7 also heavily relies on streams, so I've found it useful to add an adapter class to map a Helmich\GridFS\Stream\DownloadStreamInterface to a Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface. This is especially useful if you want to return GridFS files as a response body stream. The following example uses the Slim framework, but should be easily adaptable to other PSR-7 compliant frameworks:

  function(RequestInterface $req, ResponseInterface $res, array $args) use ($bucket): ResponseInterface
    $stream = $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName($args['name']);
    return $res
      ->withHeader('content-type', $stream->file()['metadata']['contenttype'])
      ->withBody(new \Helmich\GridFS\Stream\Psr7\DownloadStreamAdapter($stream));