
Embedding Metabase on your PHP application

MIT License


PHP Metabase

Library to embed Metabase frames. Forked from ipeevski/metabase-php


Basic usage

First, you need to find the dashboard or question you want to embed. Note down the id - it would be at the end of the URL (for example https://{metabase_url}/dashboard/1?date=past26weeks

Note the integer after /dashboard/ - that's the ID of the dashboard. Also note the GET parameters at the end of the url - those are parameters you might want to pass to the dashboard too.


include 'vendor/autoload.php';

$metabaseUrl = '[metabase_url]';      // The url of the metabase installation
$metabaseKey = '[metabase_key]';      // The metabase secret embed key
$dashboardId = 1;                     // The id of the dashboard (from the url)
$params = ['date' => 'past26weeks'];  // Any parameters to pass to the dashboard (optional)

$metabase = new \Metabase\Embed($metabaseUrl, $metabaseKey);

// Generate the HTML to create an iframe with the embedded dashboard
echo $metabase->dashboardIframe($dashboardId, $params);

Using Laravel

Create config file at confog/metabase.php


return [
    'url' => env('METABASE_URL', 'http://localhost:3000'),
    'key' => env('METABASE_KEY'),

$metabaseUrl = config('metabase.url');    // The url of the metabase installation
$metabaseKey = config('metabase.key');    // The metabase secret embed key
$dashboardId = 1;                         // The id of the dashboard (from the url)
$params = ['date' => 'past26weeks'];      // Any parameters to pass to the dashboard (optional)

$metabase = new \Metabase\Embed($metabaseUrl, $metabaseKey);

// Generate the HTML to create an iframe with the embedded dashboard
echo $metabase->dashboardIframe($dashboardId, $params);
