
A minimalistic templating engine for PHP

MIT License



A minimalistic, lightweight templating engine for PHP based on regular expressions.


  • Replace variables inside a template
  • Iterate over an array or iterable object
  • Conditional sections
  • Pass objects
  • call functions


  • Requires at least PHP 7.1


The recommended way to install php-micro-template is through Composer:

$ composer require wol-soft/php-micro-template


First create your template file:

    <h1>{{ pageTitle }}</h1>

    <ul class="row">
        {% foreach products as product %}
            {% if product.isVisible() %}
                <li class="product">
                    <span>{{ productHead }}</span>
                    <span>{{ product.getTitle() }}</span>
            {% endif %}
        {% endforeach %}

    {% if showVersion %}
        <div class="version">1.0.1</div>
    {% endif %}

Afterwards create a new instance of the Render class and render your template:


use PHPMicroTemplate\Render;

/* ... */

$render = new Render(__DIR__ . '/Templates/');

$result = $render->renderTemplate(
        'pageTitle' => $translator->translate('availableProducts'),
        'productHead' => $translator->translate('product'),
        'products' => $products,
        'showVersion' => true

/* ... */

Instead of saving your templates into files you can also prepare a string which contains the template:


use PHPMicroTemplate\Render;

/* ... */

$myPartialTemplate = '
    {% foreach products as product %}
        {% if product.isVisible() %}
            <li class="product">
                <span>{{ productHead }}</span>
                <span>{{ product.getTitle() }}</span>
        {% endif %}
    {% endforeach %}

$render = new Render();

$result = $render->renderTemplateString(
        'productHead' => $translator->translate('product'),
        'products' => $products

/* ... */

Replacement of variables

Values which are assigned to the template and used directly will be casted to string. For assigned objects you can call methods which return a value. Afterwards the returned value will be casted to string. As constant values integer numbers, strings in single quotes and booleans (true, false) are supported.

{{ simpleValue }}
{{ myObject.getProperty() }}
{{ 'Hello World' }}
{{ 12345 }}

Your provided data may be a nested array which can be resolved in the template:

    '{{ render.productRender.renderProductName( }}',
        'product' => [
            'details' => [
                'name' => 'MyProduct',
        'render' => [
            'productRender' => new ProductRender(),

Also, public properties of objects may be accessed from the template:

$person = new stdClass();
$person->name = 'Hans';

    '{{ }}',
        'person' => $person,

By default, a used variable which is not provided will result in an UndefinedSymbolException. You can register a callback function via onResolveError to handle unresolved variable errors. The callback function must implement the signature function (string $unresolvedVariable): string. The provided $unresolvedVariable will contain the whole expression which failed to resolve (eg. myUnresolvedVariable, myUnresolvedObject.render(var1, var2)).

$render->onResolveError(function (string $var): string {
    return 'Undefined';

// will result in "Person name: Undefined"
$result = $render->renderTemplateString('Person name: {{ name }}');


If you assign an array or an iterable object you can use the foreach loop to iterate.

{% foreach products as product %}
    <span>{{ product.getTitle() }}</span>
{% endforeach %}

All variables of the parent scope are available inside the loop as well as the current item of the loop. Multiple foreach loops can be nested (compare tests). You can also provide a function which returns an array or an iterable object:

{% foreach product.getIngredients() as ingredient %}
    <span>{{ ingredient.getTitle() }}</span>
{% endforeach %}

Loops support the usage of key value pairs:

{% foreach products as bestSellerNumber, product %}
    <b>Bestseller Nr. {{ bestSellerNumber }}:</b>{{ product.getTitle() }}<br/>
{% endforeach %}

Conditional sections

With the if statement you can create conditional sections. As a condition you can pass either a value which will be casted to bool or call a method on an object. In this case the return value of the function will be casted to bool. Neither multiple values in a single condition combined by operators nor calculations or similar additional functions are provided. For advanced conditions compare the section function calls with a ViewHelper-Object.

{% if showProducts %}
    {% if product.isVisible() %}
        <span>{{ product.getTitle() }}</span>
    {% else %}
        <span>Product {{ product.getTitle() }} currently not available</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Multiple if statements can be nested. To invert an if condition the keyword not can be used:

{% if not product.isVisible() %}
    <span>Product {{ product.getTitle() }} currently not available</span>
{% endif %}

function calls

The methods which are called can take parameters. Allowed parameters are variables taken out of the current scope or another function call on an object available in the current scope as well as the supported constant values integer numbers, strings in single quotes and booleans (true, false). As an example a ViewHelper-Object can be assigned to the render process and methods of the ViewHelper can be used in the template for advanced logic inside the template.


use PHPMicroTemplate\Render;

/* ... */

class ViewHelper
    public function count(iterable $list): int
        return count($list);

    public function sum(float ...$values): float
        return array_sum($values);

    public function weight(string $label, int $weight = 400): string
        return sprintf('<span style="font-weight: %d;">%s</span>', $weight, $label);

/* ... */

$render = new Render(__DIR__ . '/Templates/');

$result = $render->renderTemplate(
        'viewHelper' => new ViewHelper(),
        'currencyFormatter' => new CurrencyFormatter(),
        'basePrice' => 3.00,
        'products' => $products

/* ... */

    <p>Products: {{ viewHelper.count(products) }}
    <ul class="row">
        {% foreach products as product %}
            <li class="product">
                <span>{{ viewHelper.weightFont(product.getTitle(), 600) }}</span>
                <span>Price: {{
        {% endforeach %}

Additionally, PHP global functions can be used directly in the template as well as assigned callback methods:


use PHPMicroTemplate\Render;

/* ... */

$render = new Render(__DIR__ . '/Templates/');

$result = $render->renderTemplate(
        'customCallback' => function(string $in): string {
            return trim(strtoupper($in));

/* ... */

    <p>{{ customCallback('products') }}</p>
    <span>{{ strtolower('UNDER CONSTRUCTION') }}</span>

Whitespace tolerance

The templating syntax is whitespace tolerant so a template like the one below would be perfectly fine:

        <li>{{product.getTitle()} [{{   category   }}]</li>