
PHP Client for RediSearch

MIT License


PHP RediSearch

MacFJA/redisearch is a PHP Client for RediSearch.

The implemented API is for RediSearch 2.x


composer require macfja/redisearch


Get a Redis client

This lib can use several connector for Redis:

You can pick the connector depending on your need.

$clientFacade = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\ClientFacade();

// With Predis
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \Predis\Client(/* ... */));

// With Phpredis extension
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \Redis([/* ... */]));

// With Phpiredis extension
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(phpiredis_connect($host));

// With Amp\Redis
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \Amp\Redis\Redis(new RemoteExecutor(Config::fromUri(/* ... */))));

// With Cheprasov
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \RedisClient\Client\Version\RedisClient6x0([/* ... */]));

// With Rediska
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \Rediska(['servers' => [[/* ... */]]]));

// With Redisent
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \redisent\Redis(/* ... */));

// With TinyRedisClient
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \TinyRedisClient(/* ... */));

// With Credis
$client = $clientFacade->getClient(new \Credis_Client(/* ... */));

You can add your own implementation, all you need is to implement the interface \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client and add it to the client facace with:

$clientFacade = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Client\ClientFacade();

Create a new index

$client = /* ... */;
$builder = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\IndexBuilder();

// Field can be created in advance
$address = (new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\CreateCommand\GeoFieldOption())

    // Or field can be created "inline"
    ->addTextField('lastname', false, null, null, true)

The builder can also be used with withXxx and withAddedXxx instead of setXxx and addXxx. This will give you a new instance of the builder with the configured data.

Add a document

$client = /* ... */;
$index = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Index('person', $client);
    'firstname' => 'Joe',
    'lastname' => 'Doe',
    'age' => 30,
    'address' => '-74.044502,40.689247'


$client = /* ... */;
$search = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\Search();

$results = $client->execute($search);

Create a search query

use MacFJA\RediSearch\Query\Builder\GeoFacet;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Query\Builder\Negation;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Query\Builder\NumericFacet;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Query\Builder\Optional;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Query\Builder\Word;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\SearchCommand\GeoFilterOption;

$queryBuilder = new \MacFJA\RediSearch\Query\Builder();
$query = $queryBuilder
    ->addElement(NumericFacet::greaterThan('age', 17))
        new Negation(
            new GeoFacet(['address'], -74.044502, 40.589247, 40, GeoFilterOption::UNIT_KILOMETERS)
    ->addElement(new Optional(new Word('John')))

// The value of $query is:
// @age:[(17 +inf] Doe -@address:[-74.044502 40.589247 40.000000 km] ~John


use MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\Aggregate;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\AggregateCommand\GroupByOption;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\AggregateCommand\ReduceOption;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\Search;
use MacFJA\RediSearch\Redis\Command\SugGet;

$client = /* ... */;

$query = '@age:[(17 +inf] %john%';
$search = new Search();

$stats = new Aggregate();
    ->addGroupBy(new GroupByOption([], [
        ReduceOption::average('age', 'avg'),
        ReduceOption::maximum('age', 'oldest')

$aggregate = new Aggregate();
    ->addGroupBy(new GroupByOption(['lastname'], [ReduceOption::count('count')]));

$suggestion = new SugGet();

$result = $client->pipeline($search, $stats, $aggregate, $suggestion);

// $result[0] is the search result
// $result[1] is the first aggregation result
// $result[2] is the second aggregation result
// $result[3] is the suggestion result

Use Predis (v1.x) shorthand syntax

$client = new \Predis\Client(/* ... */);

$client->ftsearch('people', '@age:[(17 +inf] %john%');
// But you will have raw Redis output.

Use Rediska shorthand syntax

$client = new \Rediska(/* ... */);

$client->ftsearch('people', '@age:[(17 +inf] %john%');
// But you will have raw Redis output.

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  • ask your question
  • request any change (typo, bad code, new feature etc.)
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  • suggest a correction
  • suggest a new feature
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See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.